The teeth are a group of bones that work together in the body to help crush food into smaller pieces. They are the only bones that are visible to the naked eye.
What is the size of your tooth?
Teeth can range by size depending on how old the person is. For example, the average adult has teeth the size of one cm (or ten millimeters) while, the average child has generally smaller and thinner teeth called milk teeth. Children usually lose their milk teeth at the age of six.
How do teeth work?
The teeth break food into smaller parts, which can then get sent down to the stomach.
What are the different types of teeth in your mouth?
Incisors. Sharp teeth that are on the top and bottom corners of your mouth. They help cut through tough foods (such as meat) and help break them into smaller pieces.
Canines. Pointy teeth that are right next to your incisors. They help to tear and rip tough foods. Similar to incisors, they also help to break foods down into smaller pieces.
Premolars. Premolar teeth, which are between the canines and molars, help crush foods. Like the molars, they help to grind food and support the other teeth.
Molars. The teeth that are large and flat and help to grind foods down. Molars are in the back of the mouth and, like the rest of the teeth, help to crush things down into smaller pieces to go down to the stomach.
What happens if you do not brush your teeth?
Brushing your teeth is a crucial step in maintaining a healthy body. Not brushing your teeth can lead to cavities, holes in your teeth and, a yellow tint to your teeth.
How to brush your teeth effectively.
- Do not brush with force. This will lead to your gums bleeding.
- Make sure to brush in the back areas where your molars are.
- Use an electric toothbrush ( I recommended an electric toothbrush with a circular brush shape)
About the Author
About the Author
Lara is an 11-year-old student who resides in Melbourne, Australia, and is currently enrolled in Bubots.
At age six, she joined the Stage School Australia to pursue her interests in singing, dancing, and acting.
Alongside her academic pursuits, Lara enjoys engaging in artistic endeavours such as reading, drawing, and storytelling.
Her aspirations include becoming an accomplished author and artist in the future.