The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson was written by James Boswell in 1785. It was about his trip with Samuel Johnson to Scotland in 1773, where they were both invited to Slains Castle.
The setting of the writing is Slain Castle’s dining room, in Scotland. The dining room of Slain Castle is situated in the North-East Ocean, an area devoid of trees. However, Lord Errol did what he could to plant crops and has ultimately made a garden.
The tone of the author started off as formal. Then, as the story went on, it had a slight comedic tone. In the end, his tone changed to something informative as we got to know Mr. Boyd’s backstory.
The author conveyed a sense of place by describing the outside of the castle and just straightforwardly telling where they were. It is effective since most of the details were about what’s happening, so lessening the detail for the place gave more meaning to what was happening.
There are five characters involved in the story: James Boswell, Samuel Johnson, Lady Errol, Lord Errol and Mr. Boyd. James and Samuel are the ones invited to Slains Castle. James was very intrigued by the castle, while Samuel was not. Lady Errol greeted and entertained them both marvelously. She presented her children, which was a sight to James and Samuel, but Samuel disliked the way Lady Errol disciplined her children. Lord Errol wasn’t talked much in the story as he was out of the castle. The castle also invited Mr. Boyd, who formally shared his backstory.
About the Author

Xyrus Elenzano is a 14-year-old high school kid. He is the only child but enjoys the company of his cousins. As a member of a swimming team, he frequently goes to the sports complex to train. Despite his different activities, he never misses his mobile games. Currently, he is into Roblox.