Things We Have Lost

Jacob lost his phone!

He looked on his bed, 

He checked his desk,

And he even looked around the whole house!

He asked anyone if they’d seen it but nobody did.

Until he saw something gray under a pillow on the couch! 

He checked and it was the laptop.


Audrey realised that her little plushie was missing! 

She checked her bed and her desk and asked anyone if they saw it. 

She checked all the bedrooms. 

She checked her parent’s room. It wasn’t there. So she checked her brother’s room and it was there!


Nathan also lost something! He lost his pencil!

He checked the floor, his desk, and even his bed.

He was losing  hope so he was about to leave his room to ask Audrey for a pencil until he found it on the floor by his door!

He picked it up and went straight back to homework. 


Sometimes parents also lose items. This time mum lost her phone charger!

Mum checked her desk and her room and asked anyone if they’d seen it!

A few minutes later, she found it was her bathroom! 


About the author

Audrey loves to draw; most of the time she is exploring YouTube and making crafts and learning how to draw something. She is a very strong, flexible, and brave kid.

She is a kind and loving person who always wants to help and hang out with friends and family. She likes to clean her room and fold her clothes. She wants to do dishes but her parents always say that she is too young.

Her favourite foods and animals are sushi, ramen, and cats. Her room is filled with drawings and arts and crafts. She has lots of cute plushes but her favourite one is her cute cat boba plush called Kitty Boba! She loves the colours pink, purple, and blue!

She’s interested in learning piano and gymnastics and would always teach herself how to do it. She said if she could wish for one thing that would inspire others to do the right thing, it is to always be kind to others.

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