Whew! “My luggage is all packed. Luckily, I didn’t forget anything,” exclaimed Maisie.
Maisie was new to Australia and she did not know anyone. She dragged her heavy, blue luggage to the apartment where she would be staying in the meantime.
Suddenly, she bumped into a girl named Jessica, who had long brunette hair and freckles on her face.
“Hey, move it, girl!” she frustratingly said to Maisie as a few boxes Jessica held fell.
Maisie pulled her luggage to the side straight away as she heard Jessica’s shriek.
“That scared me,” she whispered to herself.
Maisie struggled to find her floor in the elevator. Soon, she found it. Maisie laid on the bed in her room, exhausted after a long day.
After a few days of being in Melbourne (Australia), Maisie became quite used to being there and liked it, but she never forgot what happened on her first day there.
When Maisie was in the elevator on her first day, she forgot where her number was, so looked and looked but there was no hope. Shockingly, Jessica walked in the elevator and sees Maisie stumbling beside the numbers,
Jessica asked Maisie nicely. “Do you need any help?”
“Yes, please,” Maisie replied.
Jessica helped Maisie find her number. The more they talked, the more they became friends.
Later, Maisie found out that Jessica’s room was just next to hers.
Jessica and Maisie became the best of friends. Jessica soon said sorry to Maisie about what happened on her first day.
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