Snow Fairy and the Seven Dwarves


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young princess named Snow Fairy. Her hair color was black. She was pretty and her skin was white. She had black eyebrows. She was a little skinny.


She was a kind lady who could understand animals. She could understand animals because her kindness was her power. 


She lived in a little house with seven dwarves: Lily, Bella, Sunny, Shiny, Velly, Tryson, and Shawn.


One day, when the seven dwarves got home after a long day of mining, they noticed that Snow Fairy was poisoned. They found her lying on the ground. They called the prince who lived in the castle. The prince was handsome and rich. He was kind and helpful to other people even if they didn’t have money. 


When he heard about Snow Fairy, he quickly ran to the garden and got a flower morning, which was known to cure all diseases.


Then he ran to the princess and put the flower morning in her mouth. 


She woke up and felt good after.

About the Author

Julia Lauren B. Osorio

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