There are many dog breeds all over the world. The pug comes from China, the German Shepherd comes from Germany, and the Dalmatian comes from Croatia. Estimates say that there are six hundred million to nine hundred million dogs all over the world.
German Shepherds are alert, protective, and curious dogs, because it’s natural to them. Because they are protective, they can be guard dogs. Also, German Shepherds can be curious dogs, so they will like exploring their surroundings. A German Shepherd can be a good dog to have in your home.
A Dalmatian is a playful, friendly, and energetic dog. Because they are energetic, they need at least 2 hours of exercise every day. Dalmatians are playful, so that means that you have to play with them often. Dalmatians can be a good dog to have if you are willing to help them exercise for at least 2 hours.
A pug is a mischievous, calm, and quiet dog. Since they are mischievous, you have to give them exercise to tire them out. Pugs are also stubborn, which means that they might not always obey. Pugs can be a nice dog to have if you are okay with them being mischievous sometimes.
There are still many dog breeds that I haven’t mentioned in this essay.
But for me, the most famous breeds are the pug, the German Shepherd, and the Dalmatian.
How about you? What dog breeds do you know?
Dogs are a good pet to have, but which dog breed to have is a harder choice. If you are very active, then a Dalmatian is for you. If you want a good guard dog, then a German Shepherd is a good choice. You need to choose what dog breed you want carefully, or else if you’re not very active, and your Dalmatian is active, then you won’t be able to help it exercise. However, everyone can choose any dog breed they want; they just need to have the requirements for it.
About the Author

Destan is a 10-year-old who likes to draw, play games, and play tennis. He is homeschooled and has two siblings. Destan likes to be active and funny.