Understanding the Negative Effects of Smartphones

Smartphones have been very useful for the past few decades. They can be used for communication, information, and entertainment. However, like most technologies, smartphones have their downsides. In this essay, I will discuss the disadvantages of smartphones.

      1.  Smartphones affect productivity 

As mentioned earlier, smartphones provide information, but they also offer entertainment platforms and apps or sites where we can talk to others, play games, watch movies, and more. These are some of the reasons why smartphones are so addicting and distracting. And this is bad because this has resulted in a lack of focus and efficiency. For example, ever since I got my phone, I kept looking at it and watching stuff while studying. It affected me by being more inattentive than usual and not catching up on the work.  


2. Smartphones cause health problems            

A lot of people think that smartphones can cause some illnesses, and they’re right. It has been investigated by the World Health Organization and other sources, that smartphones “emit low levels of radio frequency energy” that can give you health problems like abnormal cell development, brain tumors, weakened immunity, sleep deprivation, and others. And because of some cyberbullying and addiction, smartphones can also give you anxiety and depression. 


3. Smartphones disconnect people

 Smartphones help us communicate better, but are they helping us with our socialization skills? It’s actually the opposite. It’s been very common for people not to socialize because they’re too absorbed in their technology. Like, in a current setting, when you see a friend group, what is one of the first things you see? People using their phones and not engaging in any form of actual talking.  


While smartphones have revolutionized the way we live our lives, they have downsides too. The excessive use of smartphones causes addiction and distraction, multiple health problems, and disassociation.  Therefore, it is vital to adopt a balanced use of smartphones to avoid the adverse effects they bring.

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