Why Your Content Writing is Missing the Mark (And How You Can Fix It)

Why Your Content Writing is Missing the Mark (And How You Can Fix It)

Do you know that average web users get to read about 20% of the text on a page? They also do not want to waste their time or effort online. That’s why your content writing should always be on point. On the mark. Spot on.

With this in mind, content writers like you need to know some qualities of content writing that help put across your message effectively for your service, product, or client.

What makes good content writing

Catchy headline. An attention-grabbing headline can hook a reader’s interest within three seconds and drive more traffic to your content.

Compelling content. It addresses the needs of the target audience. It’s like delivering right at the door an item that a customer ordered online.

Unique content. Giving your article an unusual twist makes it stand out from over 4.4 million blog posts published daily. Let’s say you are writing on the “new normal in the post-pandemic world.” Your real challenge is your unique take on giving readers a whiff of fresh air.

Readable content. Readable content helps keep the readers engaged. That means more traffic and fewer bounce rates for your page or website.

Actionable content. Today’s readers are action-takers; they are eager to address their concerns based on the doable steps you provide.

How would you know, then, if your content is working or not? For example, if it doesn’t move the reader from one stage of the buyer’s journey to the next, then you’re missing the mark.

Here are some ways that show your content is missing the mark and a couple of tips to make it more purposeful and engaging.


What your content writing is missing and how to make it stand out


1. Uncatchy title

Which of these titles would you use for your blog: “Impressive Blogging Tips for Newbies” or “7 Blogging Tips That Hook Readers”?

Uncatchy headlines fail because they are boring, useless, and do not appeal to the readers’ curiosity.


Here are some ways to make people click on your title and direct traffic to your content.

  • Provide a sense of urgency
  • Make an exciting promise
  • Identify a problem and offer a solution
  • Use an odd number, an adjective, and exact keywords that readers search for

2. Irrelevant content

Readers find no value in what you write. They fail to get the answers to their questions. You may have the latest data on e-com trends, but these do not add value to readers who do not need this information.


  • Get to know your target audience, including their wants, needs, and most pressing questions.
  • Likewise, doing keyword research helps you find the actual words and phrases people type in search engines when looking for your products, service, and content.
  • Aligning your content with relevant keywords makes you deliver the goods your audience crave.

3. Poorly structured content

Readers get turned off with an article with unwieldy structure, cliché, grammatical errors, and nonvarying sentence length.


  • Before writing your article, create an outline to organize your ideas logically.
  • Write in a conversational tone.
  • Avoid fluff.
  • Using subheadings and bullet points, and grammar-checking tools can help make your content readable, helpful, and worthy. All in all, a robust structure engages the readers and improves the page’s search engine ranking.

4. Content lacks credibility

Readers shun reading content that they cannot trust. They can tell if the writer lacks knowledge on what he writes; his article lacks depth and authority.


  • To make your content credible, do ample research on your audience and topic.
  • Choose trustworthy and unbiased sources.
  • Show data and present concrete examples.
  • Double-check the facts that you cite.

5. Stale content

Outdated content can take a heavy toll as it brings lesser traffic to your page or website.


  • Find ways to put a twist on your content. Look at it through a new lens.
  • Use the latest information in rewriting specific parts.
  • Update your links, video, and images. Incorporate new analogies or comparisons to make it current and exciting.
  • Of course, nothing beats writing fresh or evergreen content. Try using a blog topic tool to generate ideas for your content.

Summing up, improving your writing skills is your first step towards making your content writing hit the mark. Check out the Ben Button Content Writing Course.


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