“What do you want to be when you are older?” This is a question that most kids are given years to think about. I, on the other hand, have always wanted to be a teacher since I was in kindergarten. I want to work with children and make a difference in their lives, enjoy the financial benefits that come with the profession, and get to learn from students while helping them learn.
I want to work with kids. I have always liked being with kids and babies. I am the oldest of almost a dozen cousins, so whenever it is a family event and my younger cousins are there, I’m the one they go to play with. Establishing rapport with kids is very important if you want to become a teacher, especially as an early childhood teacher, because kids need to trust you.
It’s non-stop learning. Despite being the teacher, you’ll still learn things from your students, from the newest slang to surprising life lessons. While you teach your students the necessary education, you also have a chance to teach them important life skills and help them become better people. School clubs and sports provide opportunities for both students and teachers to learn and enhance their interests and hobbies while also improving their people skills.
Finally, becoming a teacher will provide me with multiple benefits. Teaching offers many health, insurance, and compensation packages. For instance, being a teacher in Ontario, Canada, pays around 65k–80k Canadian dollars (CAD), making it a stable job. It is among the highest-paid education workers. Additionally, you get regular breaks! Schools have breaks for religious holidays, Professional Activity (PA) days, and the well-loved week-long spring and summer breaks.
In conclusion, I truly believe that becoming a teacher is the best path for me. The chance to work with children, the non-stop learning experience, and the many benefits that come with being a teacher are the reasons why it is the best job for me.
About the Author

Mikaela is a 12-year-old middle school student. Currently being homeschooled, she’s exploring her interest in writing through Bubots. She also loves reading, doodling, and talking with her friends. She wants to be a preschool teacher someday.