Why My Mother is the Person Who Influences Me

Anyone can be inspired by someone to find out who they want to be. For me, it’s my mother, Daisy, who has a huge impact on me. 


Perhaps you’re wondering, “Why your mother?” “What about her?” “Who is she?” “How well is she doing?” “What are her goals?” Let’s slow down right here and start somewhere.


My mother’s name is Daisy Esmer Virtudazo. She was born on April 30, 1989 and is now 33 years old, and she. Her mother passed away when she was  just a baby, so her father raised her. 


Growing up, she never saw her mother, not even a single picture of her. When she turned six, her father had to bring her to her aunt named Elsie because her father moved to a place where it was too dangerous for her to live. Ever since that day, her aunt has been taking care of her. Sometimes, her father and relatives visited her too, like her other Aunt named Lynn. 


Mama didn’t receive any toys as a child, not even on Christmas. Instead, she always received clothes. Mama was delighted when she once received a Barbie doll from one of her ninangs. 


 She was pregnant at the age of 17. She hid her pregnancy from her Aunt Elsie for a few months. When the her aunt discovered her pregnancy, she became upset.


On  March 30, 2008, Mama, gave birth to DJ (Daniel Justin Esmer Virtudazo) at the age of 18. Though initially upset, Aunt Elsie calmed down and loved DJ. On May 13th, 2009, Daisy gave birth to a stunning girl named Denise (Denise Pauli Esmer Virtudazo).


Her aunt insisted that she become a teacher, despite the fact that she wanted to be a writer. She used to think that she was already earning a lot of money from teaching. However, because of all their expenses, she found her income lacking. Even though she and her husband tried to earn more, money was never enough.


But my mama is one tough woman who refuses to give up. There are three things that kept her going.


First, she wanted security for her family. 


One of mama’s hardest times was when Chrissy, her youngest child at the time, was ill. Due to her severe illness, mama and papa rushed her to the hospital. When they arrived, Chrissy had turned very pale, then  purple, and stopped moving. Because they had no money, no doctor was treating Chrissy. Luckily, one of papa’s sisters (Margarita “Mar” for short) gave them a loan, and Chrissy survived. Since then,  my mother made the decision to improve so they will have money available if anything similar to that experienced happens again. 


Another thing that keeps my mom going is seeing other people improve because of her work and it makes her want to do more. It makes her happy and proud to see her students succeed.


Lastly, she wants to be able to buy anything she wants for herself and her family.  For example, she bought all the BTS albums. This made her really happy. Things like this makes her want to do better.


Even after all of her struggles, she kept on going. She started as a teacher, a freelancer, and now an OBM. She now has a successful business. She is the CEO of two businesses, one of which is already successful while the other is expanding. She now earns enough money to travel anywhere she wants, purchase whatever she wants, and save the rest of her earnings.


She inspires me because she never gives up, no matter how much she went through and how challenging it was. She kept on climbing a very tall mountain, trying to reach the very top while supporting her family. Through all these, she managed and kept on pushing, until she made it to her goal. 


It makes me want to push myself to the limits—actually, bring myself up and act like there is no limit. 


Now, she makes new goals and she knows she’ll make it.

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