The Types of Writers

There are many types of writers. As in a heck of a lot of writers. A whole wheelbarrow full of writers – no, a  whole GALAXY of writers! The types of writers are plentiful. And I have seen a collection of colorful writers who have their own flair and personality myself! And just because, I’ll name a few.

We’re in a classroom. This is the BUBOTS Classroom! And here are the advanced class writers! Now let us observe my first specimen – Joshua. I call him the Overthinker. You know why? He acts a lot like Tracer from Overwatch – he takes like half a freaking hour to make a decision. My goodness. I can’t, I just can’t. His writing is good and his narrator’s voice is just plain epic. And he’s a decent writer too. He knows how to write good sci-fi, fantasy, and mysteries – well, unless you don’t count the detective as the killer mysteries.

Next is our killer romantic story writer, Alex. She’s the big sister figure of the class. She writes pretty decently too. She has an eye for choosing good topics for our formal essays and she will deliver. I mean goodness gracious. She is a good writer. Her specialization is in romance and drama stories. I’m not a romance man myself – what I mean here is that I don’t read romantic stories, but I am a romantic – but her stories are pretty decent.

And over here we have Bella. Bella is like one of the shortest people I know. Like oh man, she’s short. She may be short, but you should never underestimate her writing prowess. She is like one of those villains on a throne. She can send chills right up your spine and scare you out of your skin.

Of course, I’m not alone. My brother in arms Macky over here is a good writer. So far, I haven’t seen his specialty in any genre but I have a feeling he leans towards the whole freaking fiction genre. He has a good ear for jokes and he’s a decent writer too. 

And lastly, there’s me. I have absolutely excelled at fantasy fiction writing. Although I do dabble in other genres, I remain a true fantasy nut at heart. I’m rebellious and weird too, creating total chaos wherever I go. 

So all in all, there are a handful of writers just itching to get their words out. We all have our own flair and our own strengths and weaknesses. This is what makes writers – well, writers! And trust me, we all have our quirks. Whether we be short, mischievous, introverted, caring, intellectual, or weird: Writers are writers.

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