The Role Model Dilemma

The Role Model Dilemma

Being the eldest sibling is a role filled with unique challenges and rewards. As the firstborn, I often find myself navigating unfamiliar states, and setting the stage for my younger siblings to follow. This position comes with a mix of responsibility and leadership. The experiences of being the eldest sibling are a blend of trial, error, and growth. Embracing this role means learning to balance my expectations.



I believe that being the eldest sibling in the family has its benefits and drawbacks. I think it’s nice that I get to be in charge when my parents are out of the house. Another advantage of being the oldest is that I get to be a role model to my sister and younger cousins. As time goes by, I get older, wiser, and more independent. However, being the eldest can get difficult with all the chores and responsibilities. 



Being independent is also a gift for me because, if I didn’t have a younger sibling, I wouldn’t have learned how to be independent. It also means having a caring role for people around you. The eldest typically takes on leadership roles within the family, acting as a role model and a source of support for younger siblings. Balancing personal longings with family duties often develops strong problem-solving skills and a deep sense of responsibility for me. This early exposure to leadership and self-management not only shapes my character but also prepares me for future roles in life, and instills confidence and resilience.



One of the drawbacks of being the oldest is having stricter rules from parents. Being the eldest also means having to do more household chores and have less freedom. I get my freedom every once in a while, but only after I finish my chores around the house. Although my parents are stricter with me, at least I get to spend more time with my family at home, which brings us to the next point, experiencing life events with my loved ones.



I have been an only child for 10 years; everything has been very different. Seeing my baby sister go into pre-school and graduate for the first time makes me enjoy being an older sibling. Being the firstborn often means experiencing a unique set of life events that shape my character. As the eldest child in the family, I often carry the weight of high expectations from my parents. But one of the benefits of being the eldest is getting to experience the birth and childhood of my little sister and getting to see her make friends of her own.



Being the eldest sibling is a multifaceted role surrounded with challenges and rewards. It requires a delicate balance of responsibility, leadership, and independence. While having stricter rules and numerous chores can be discouraging, the position of being the firstborn also offers the unique opportunity to be a role model. The experiences gained from this role provide personal growth, invaluable lessons in responsibility and independence. Despite the occasional difficulties, the joy of witnessing and guiding younger family members through their milestones makes the journey as the eldest sibling profoundly rewarding.


About the Author

Kassielle Sonja Sarmiento

Kassielle is a 12-year-old grade 7 student. Her interests are drawing, reading, and playing instruments. She desires to be an architect someday.

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