The Quest for the Emerald

The Quest for the Emerald

As Alex climbed to the top of the mountain, it was sunny and bright. He heard the wind whistling and felt glad to be out of the storm and the sharp rocks. 

He explored the mountain and saw many smooth, gray rocks. He climbed one of them, where he could see a glimpse of the mountain top. It was a wonderful sight. From where he was standing, he then saw something gleaming beyond a dense glen. 

Alex ran down from the rock on the mountaintop. He noticed the path changing to a cobblestoned road. He walked ninety more minutes, then noticed a polished stone pavement and knew that he was on the right track. He took a rest and sat on a small, smooth wooden stump. He drank cold water from the water bottle in his green cargo bag. He continued walking on the pavement for a few miles until he saw the gleaming golden gate with his two blue eyes. In joy, he ran as fast as a gazelle.


He walked slowly to the golden gates of the castle and looked around to see if anyone was there. As he opened the gates, they creaked like wooden panels. Then he saw the castle. It looked like stone and marble. It was tall and mossy, with a big garden in the back. Alex checked inside to see if anyone was there.


As he walked through the marble halls, Alex was greeted by King Wanot the Third. Wanot looked a little fat and wore purple robes. Alex greeted Wanot and bowed his head. Wanot told him that he would do a tour of his palace. While walking, they chatted. Wanot was excited  because he had not seen a man before. 


Alex said he was looking for the lost emerald. Wanot said there was a map hidden in the castle, but those who wish to get it have to do a challenge. They have to duel the king! If they lose, they die, but if they win, they get the map. 


They walked to the battle grounds and looked for a weapon. King Wanot got a sharp, silver shiny sword.  Among the other weapons were a pike, a spear, a halberd, an axe, a bow, and a crossbow. 


Alex was scared to fight for the map. But he chose his weapon, a pike. They fought, and somehow Alex won! 


King Wanot gave him the map, and Alex went his way to find the emerald. His first step was completed. 


About the Author


Johann Nathaniel Eroa

Johann Nathaniel Eroa is a homeschooler from Ilocos Norte Philippines.

He likes tanks and drawing.  He does not like feeling hot.

He wants to be an astronomer when he grows up.

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