My father has had the largest impact on me.

Christian Michael R. Virtudazo is my father’s name. He was born on December 24, 1987, at Metro Manila’s Capitol Medical Center. He persevered despite encountering numerous difficulties as a child, and this inspires me to do the same. He taught me how to win and how to be truthful.. He also taught me some of my most significant life lessons.


In his teens, he was a member of the Philippine Wrestling Team, a Universal Reality Combat Championship fighter, and a coach at Sprawl MMA. In the world of MMA, he was highly recognized as an accomplished athlete.

He currently owns two companies and works for one. He is now a prosperous man. He works hard every day to improve so he can provide his family with a better life. He is never satisfied with what he has accomplished and is always convinced that it can be done better. He hasn’t realized that what he has given us is the best because to us, his efforts  matter most.


My dad is my greatest supporter. He founded the two businesses he now runs because of me. My goal has always been to play professional basketball, so when he saw my potential(I was 10 years old), he founded the first business, PASA. 


Many players started to join us. Then we joined numerous leagues like Throwdown Basketball Premier League, Dreamers League, and Milcu Got Skills, which is one of the most well-known leagues. We won multiple team awards, and I won many individual awards like “Best Player” and “The Mythical Five.


Ultimate Basketball Championship As a result of the PASA’s success, numerous people joined the league. The inaugural season was successful as a result. 

However, the epidemic prevented the league from receiving a second season. My father restarted PASA and started UBC following the pandemic. It was successful in the second season. He then completed another season. The Facebook page currently has 7.3k followers as the fourth season begins.


In conclusion, I would say that my father has had the biggest influence on me. He fulfilled my dreams. He’s my greatest supporter and I’m thankful that he’s my father.



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