Neighbor Breakdown

The Neighbor Breakdown

There was once a girl named Emily, who had brown hair and brown eyes. She lived in a house made of yellow bricks with a front yard full of weeds. 


She loved to read lots of books. Emily also has a best friend named Lily, who also has blond hair and brown eyes. Lily loved gaming. She played a game called Genshin Impact. She lived in a house made out of blue bricks, and her front yard had a small tree. Lily and Emily are neighbors too.


One day, in Emily’s house, there was amazing news! Emily’s mum has now had a baby, and Emily is now the big sister. Emily has to stay at Lily’s house for a bit so that her parents can go to the hospital. 


A few weeks later, as Emily’s family was having dinner, her mum could feel the baby coming out. Emily’s dad and her mum had  to go to the hospital,  while Emily had to get ready to go to Lily’s house. 


Then they all did what they had to do. Emily’s mum kissed Emily goodbye and so Emily went into Lily’s house.


When Lily stepped into the house, she knew that it didn’t look the same as her house. The hallway is way shorter, and the kitchen is way bigger than Emily’s house. Lily’s house has lots more rooms than Emily’s. Then Emily wanted to see Lily, so she asked Lily’s mum.


“Ummm, excuse me, Lily’s mum, where is Lily!?” 


“Oh, are you looking for Lily? She is in her gaming room. You can go into the room and see what she is doing.” Lily’s mum said

“OK!” Emily said in excitement. She couldn’t wait to see Lily again. 


When Emily entered the room, she was amazed at what she could see with her bare eyes. She could see so many neon LED lights on the walls and on her table. She had a humongous table with a PC on it! 


Lily had a messy desk, a glass of water in her hand and headphones on her ears. 


Then Emily found something she had wanted for a long time – comfortable bean bags!


Lily had a rug in her room too. She had gaming posters on the wall too. Lily said Emily could sit on the bean bags, so Emily  sat down and finished reading her chapter book on Lily’s Bean bag.


But she became bored. She thought Lily would finish gaming, but she did not stop yet.


After Emily got a drink of water outside of Lily’s gaming room, she went back inside to watch Lily play her game. Lily said it was hard, and it made her sweat if she wasn’t concentrating, or when she had difficult players to play with. 


Emily enjoyed watching Lily but then Lily said,


“Oh, don’t talk to me now, this is a hard enemy to beat!” 

And so Emily followed up and said “Ok, I won’t talk to you.”


The game that Lily was playing was intense, but Emily knew she was going to win. 


Then Emily heard a scream. She  knew that this meant that Lily lost the round with the enemy that was hard to beat. Emily tried comforting Lily. 


Lily’s mum then came in the room and said,

“Maybe you should walk around the neighborhood to calm down, and this time you can walk with your best friend, Emily.”

So they both started to walk around the neighborhood, but they got into an argument.


“I could have won if you didn’t open your mouth,” yelled Lily.


Emily answered back

“Well, I’m sorry, I did not know tha-



Lily and Emily walked back home in silence. Lily came back home with a red, mad face, went to her room and slammed the door. Meanwhile, Emily went home with a sad face and tears in her eyes. She sat on the living room couch. 


Lily’s mum saw Emily’s sad face and the tears in her eyes. She decided to ask Lily if there was something wrong. 


“I was walking with Lily, and she screamed at me!”


Then Emily burst into tears.


“Is that all the information that you are going to give me, Em?” said Lily’s mum.


Emily gave a little nod. Lily’s mum knew how it felt, so she went back to cooking and let her have some time by herself. 

After a few hours, Lily came out of her gaming room, which rarely happens. 


“Hey, Em,”


Emily looked up at Lily in shock. 


“Em, look, I’m sorry for screaming at you, ok, it was all my fault. I’m so sorry I messed up. Will you forgive me for screaming at you?”


Emily laughed and said, “It was not my fault at all! Oh I’m a silly goose! HAHA, Don’t worry, Lily, I forgive you. I will always forgive you!”


They both laughed in excitement. 


“Do you want to come into my gaming room, so we can play Monopoly or Snakes & Ladders?


“OK,” Emily said, and they both walked down to Lily’s gaming room, and they had fun till the day was over. 


Emily’s parents were still in the hospital, so she could sleep over at Lily’s house. They were both so excited. They had dinner together, and they slept on the same bed. 


But I didn’t think that they slept at all. They could have chatted the whole night. I don’t know. All I know is that they became best friends.

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