The Great Voyage

A long time ago, on a small island called Angelton, there lived a petite 10-year-old named Ella. Ella was quite the mechanic and loved books about robots and mechanics; all the townsfolk loved and adored Ella for her exquisite passion for books, unlike the other children on the island, who usually just kicked a football around the block and stayed home sleeping. At the same time, cartoons would play in the background of their TV.

One day, Ella woke up to find her mum talking to one of the men who worked for the pirates, asking,

” Have you seen his small girl? We have heard that she is quite the mechanic of this island and would like her to join our crew for the Great Voyage!”

Ella’s mum looked happy as she called Ella down to talk to her about the position of chief mechanic of the crew and the money she was earning!

” Ella, please come down for a second. I need to talk to you.”

“OK, mum! Coming down!”

Ella replied with a spark in her eye as she ran downstairs.

“This kind man has offered us the opportunity of a lifetime! You could become a chief mechanic of the Pirates’ crew!”

” OMG, I had always dreamed about being in the pirate crew. Of course, I say yes!”

Ella shouted with joy as she ran in circles.

” Well, then it’s settled! Pack all your belongings and meet us at the dock; we can’t wait to have you on our crew!”

Then the door shut with an enormous slam as Ella ran up the stairs to start packing her things immediately!

When she returned downstairs, she did not forget to give her mum an enormous cuddle before leaving.

When Ella came to the dock, she greeted all 13 pirates, ready to start packing onto the boat. Ella was so excited that she jumped onto the boat to find her room; when she found her room, she was amazed by what she saw!

She saw all the toys she could imagine because the pirate crew tried to make her room feel like home to her, and it did! The pirate crew took notice of this event and felt very happy to see Ella while she cuddled her toys and fell asleep in the boat.

When the ship started to move, Ella finally woke up from her nap and jumped out of bed, startled by the boat’s movement. She started to wobble while she tried to walk to the boat’s captain. One of the pirates named Anthony had seen Ella and decided to help her walk as it had been her first time on a boat,

“Are you OK, Ella?”

” Yes, I’m totally fine.”

Ella answered with a grin on her face,

“Are you sure you’re OK, Ella? Because I can help you!”

” I am pretty capable of doing this; I am sure I do not need help!”

Ella shouted, making it clear that she could do it,

“OK, then, I will see you on the deck. You can help with raising the flag!”

Anthony replied with a smile on his face.

” wait. WHAT!? So you’re not going to make breakfast or anything at all!?”

Ellas’ face was now red as her cheeks puffed up in a fury. She was about to start screaming and crying because of her hunger and her anger until the captain shouted:

” What’s going on!? Come down here and start eating your breakfast!”

Ella was soon relieved as she ran down to the bottom floor of the boat. Anthony was tagging along behind her with a sense of calmness, but he did not get to see Ella scream at him.

The rest of the pirate crew welcomed them when they reached the ship’s bottom floor.  Delicious pancakes were presented to them, but there was only one plate of pancakes! As Anthony ran towards the pancakes, the captain shouted:

” NO! Those are for Ella! These are for you.”

Anthony soon saw what the others had been eating and that he had to eat canned beans. At the same time, Ella, treated like royalty, got a humongous stack of pancakes topped with maple syrup! Anthony finally settled while still angry at Ella, who finished all 11 pancakes and returned to her room to play with her toys.

Anthony returned to Ella’s room and apologized for what he had done to Ella, which made her feel inadequate and mistreated because he would have been kicked off of the pirate group if that had happened! So Antony ignored that he was being treated like that so he wouldn’t get kicked off the team.

It had been over 20 days since the ship left the dock, and no one had been through any storms or dangerous beasts in the sea. Ella was about to go bonkers at this point because no dangerous beast or storm was on their path! The rest of the crew were very pleased with waking up to the beautiful sunshine each day. Ella saw a distant island that looked like a town. The captain took notice of the view and Shouted:

“Land Ahoy!”

Everyone on the deck shouted with glee, and as the crew and Ella arrived at the town, they all enjoyed tasty burgers when they arrived. But they could not stay for long. One of the townsfolk reported that their giant treasure was guarded by an enormous sea beast!

When they came towards the island with the treasure, they saw an enormous octopus who did not look like he wanted to share the gold,

” Whoa! This is going to be fun!”

Ella exclaimed with joy,

” Listen here, kid, you’re going to fight too!”

Ella jumped back onto her feet, grabbed a sword from the nearby supply box, and jumped towards the giant octopus! The rest of the group Shouted at Ella to come down, but Ella was determined to kill the sea beast! So Ella jumped as high as she could and hit the octopus in the chest!
The crew blasted in joy as they lifted Ella to cheer her on.

When they were down, cheering with Ella, the crew grabbed all the treasure they could carry and headed back to Angleton Island to share what they had found.

When the crew and Ella came back, Ella’s mum gave her a big hug and kissed her. The Pirates celebrated their victory with Ella’s help, and together, they all shared the treasure while Ella ate a ginormous pizza.

About the Author

Lara Spasojevic

Lara is a ten-year-old student who resides in Melbourne, Australia and is currently enrolled in Bubots.

At age six, she joined the Stage School Australia to pursue her interests in singing, dancing, and acting.

Alongside her academic pursuits, Lara enjoys engaging in artistic endeavours such as reading, drawing, and storytelling.

Her aspirations include becoming an accomplished author and artist in the future.

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