The Causes and Effects of Climate Change Greenhouse Gases

The Causes and Effects of Climate Change: Greenhouse Gases

According to scientists, the Bahamas and other small island nations are expected to be underwater in the near future. This means that soon, we might no longer enjoy the beauty and serenity of beautiful tourist destinations like Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh City. 

So many more countries are in danger of going underwater from climate change making the sea levels go up. There are many causes of climate change and their effects are not at all nice. 

The amount of trees and plants have recently been going down. We’ve been cutting down trees for centuries for fuel, building, and other products.  But recently, governments have been putting restrictions on wood cutting to protect trees because we need them;  and to save endangered species of trees. But trees are still being cut down from illegal logging. Illegal logging is a cause of climate change because lack of trees contributes towards more CO2 in the air.

Carbon dioxide, or CO2 is the most common gas in the air, it makes up 95.9 percent of the atmosphere’s volume. CO2 is actually a greenhouse gas which makes it the most abundant out of all the greenhouse gases. Due to a growing imbalance of CO2- absorbing plants and the increase of CO2 being released, changes in climate occur. 

Another cause of climate change is methane, a gas produced from waste breaking down. Methane has more than 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after it reaches the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide lasts longer than methane however. 

Methane is mostly produced by the cow industry with 34% of methane coming from that industry alone according to a study in 2017 about methane emissions in California

The effects of these causes is that they release greenhouse gases into the air, which in turn, heat up the planet causing many problems. The problems can mostly be seen in sea levels rising due to glaciers melting faster than ever before. Warmer temperatures are also an effect of climate change as mentioned before, greenhouse gases are heating up the earth. Heatwaves and droughts are now becoming more frequent because of climate change.

These causes and effects go to show that climate change is real as cities are sinking and there’s more greenhouse gases than ever. We can help change this by supporting people and changes that reduce greenhouse production and by planting more trees. We should all work together to stop climate change and save our planet. 

If we don’t take action, what of the next generation? What would you want them to inherit? A sad, dying planet? We should take action for the sake of our children. That is why I ask you to help the planet.


About the Author


Joshua Medalla is an advanced level BUBOTS Writing Academy student.

Likes: Pizza, video games, cats and dogs, stories, comics, and malls.

Dislikes: A lot of vegetables, most reptiles and insects, and spicy food.

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