The Causes and Effects of Bullying on Children Who Bully

The Causes and Effects of Bullying on Bullies

Bullying is a widespread problem in many schools. According to statistics, 6 in 10 Filipino teens get bullied at school regularly. This shows that the frequency of bullying in Philippine schools is nearly three times higher compared to developed countries. With the increasing number of bullying in schools, more and more teens and children are becoming lonely, afraid of others, and depressed. What are the reasons for the prevalence of school bullying?

Some students who bully others may have low self-esteem due to poor academic results. As a result, they would start to bully others who are more fortunate with their studies to feel accomplished and more confident. While the bullies might feel good, those bullied would develop depression, anxiety, trust issues, and difficulty in socializing with others.

Another cause is issues in the family. Some students might have experienced abuse, neglect, or a parent’s divorce. Having a bad parent is also a contributing factor. Without the emotional support and bond with a parent, children would feel despair, anger, and jealousy. They would start to take their offense out on other students who are blessed with a complete family.

The Effect of Bullying to Bullies

Students who bully targets would suffer both emotional and socializing problems. They sometimes result in drugs and alcohol to numb the pain and the trauma. However, if the bullying continues, some might develop depression and even contemplate suicide.

They might also suffer physical issues. Besides bumps or bruises, some of the bullied kids will experience anxiety. This stress on their bodies will result in many health issues, including being sick more often and suffering from ulcers and other conditions caused by persistent anxiety. In addition, it might worsen pre-existing health conditions like skin diseases, stomach issues, and heart conditions.

Bullying is common in many schools, and it may be caused by some bullies having low self-esteem or are currently having family problems. The effect of bullying on the targeted students is that they will suffer both emotional and physical problems like depression and anxiety. To avoid bullying from happening to other students, we must stand up to help others and take action to protect them. Even if we cannot eradicate it, we can minimize it so other students wouldn’t have to experience pain and trauma from bullying.


About the Author

The Causes and Effects of Bullying on Children
Andrew Kristoff D. Soriano

Andrew Kristoff D. Soriano is 12 years old, currently in Grade 8 and a consistent honor student. The 3rd child in the family with five siblings, he likes playing online games and dislikes spiders.

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