Many countries use biking as a primary form of transportation. One example is the Netherlands, where over 90% of the population are regular cyclers. This is nice because using a bike as a main form of transportation has many positive effects on people and the environment.
One benefit bikes bring to the environment is the reduction of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide can be emitted into the atmosphere from a single vehicle. Globally, there are 1.4 billion vehicles on the road. That’s 6.4 billion tons of carbon! This is why a bike should be used as a mode of transportation.
Another advantage of using bikes is the depopulation of parking spaces. For example, in public areas, cars occupy most parking spaces but can also be used to store bikes. According to TreeHugger, parking lots cost a lot of money, so reducing the number of spaces needed to park would be not only storage practical, but cost-effective. These steps can help the world and bring a bright future for the next generations.
Using a bike is cost-effective. You wouldn’t have to pay the same price as you would for a car. You don’t need transportation fares. You only have to worry about filling the wheels with air. This proves that using a bike instead of public transportation, or a car, is better.
Finally, riding a bike can provide many health benefits. According to Better Health, cycling can be a fun way of improving strength and stamina. It can also increase cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility, improve joint mobility, decrease stress levels, and more. Since riding a bike can have many health benefits, you should consider using a bike as another form of transportation.
Using a bike can really affect you and the things around you. It grants the world less air pollution, is cost and storage effective, and brings many health benefits.
In conclusion, biking is one of the best forms of transportation and should be used worldwide. So maybe biking really isn’t a bad idea after all.
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