Sunflower Town is an odd but fascinating place. It is said to be full of wonder that was created from children’s imaginations. Its location is deep within a forest somewhere around a small part in Eastern Guatemala. You can only reach it by following a trail of fairies. These fairies are small and easily mistaken for fireflies. The only difference that they have is a specific flying pattern – they make a circle shape when they fly. After following the trail, the fairies will lead you to a sunflower patch in the middle of the forest. The sunflower patch has a barrier of trees that protects the sunflowers from animals, other plants, and humans.
As you get deeper and deeper into the sunflower patch, the flowers seemingly start to get bigger and bigger, but that’s only because of the fairy magic making you smaller. This magic actually serves as a defense mechanism if the trees fail to protect the village. Once you get near the village, the light dims and a comforting glow emanates from the biggest sunflower in the town’s center.
Entering Sunflower Town can be quite tricky. You first need to pass through security, but one wrong move and you might be thrown into a Venus fly trap. These fairies look harmless at first, but when threatened, they can become very vicious.
Aside from the fairies, the town itself is very delightful. The regular sunflowers turn into skyscrapers, while the small mushrooms turn into village homes. For vehicles, the fairies use insects!
The town has a mix of fruity smells, like walking into an orchard. Different areas of the town have a different smell of fruit. One side can smell like mangoes, while the other like passion fruit. The best part is when you are at the center sunflower. All of the smells come together to make the ultimate fruit basket. The smell comes from the sunflowers producing their own magic. Also, the weather is very spontaneous, as it comes from the center sunflower.
The center sunflower is the place where fairies meet up to hold a festival. This festival consists of entertainment, such as plays or talent shows, food, and a showcase of the center sunflower’s power. The sunflower gives the village its power and glow. It has the power to change the weather, make villages, and a lot more. It is believed that many years ago, the sunflower had created this town to help fairies escape the dangers of the forest.
About the Author

Jen, one of our BUBOTS‘ students, is a 14-year-old Freshman based in the US. She enjoys digital art, sketching, playing the piano and flute, singing and ballet. She also loves to experiment in the kitchen. Someday, she’d like to be a certified accountant.