Fast food restaurants have become really popular, especially during the pandemic. Some people have become addicted to fast foods because it is delicious and easy to buy. You can just order food online, and vendors will deliver it to your house after an hour. But do you know the reason why it became popular and how it affects us? This is an issue that we should address since most of us eat fast food.
Now, let me tell you why fast food restaurants’ popularity keep on increasing.
First, fast food restaurants offer cheaper meals than cooking at home. As we all know, because of the pandemic, food ingredients like vegetables, meats, and fish have become very expensive.
Second, people are too busy or lazy to cook. Working long hours makes them rely on fast food deliveries to overcome their hunger. Sometimes, when it is their day off, they want to spend their whole day resting.
These restaurants became popular because they are convenient.
Fast food is easy to buy and is so delicious to eat, but it has negative consequences.
Eating in fast-food restaurants can put our health at risk. They have less nutritious foods. Only a few of them have fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins. Their foods also have a level of sugar which can result in diabetes. Overeating food from those restaurants will lead to obesity.
This modern lifestyle can make the family tradition of eating together disappear slowly. Why? Because people rely too much on them, sometimes family members only order when they want to eat instead of eating together. It is like being strangers living under the same roof.
See what happens when we depend too much on fast-food restaurants? Of course, we cannot deny that fast foods are delicious, but we should limit them since it is not suitable for our health. We should start eating healthier food from now on. There are still many things that we want to achieve in this life, so we better take care of our health if we want to live longer.
About the Author

Alexza Irence C. Mangana is a Grade 11 Student currently studying at San Pedro Relocation Center National High School. She loves to eat chicken, cakes, and sinigang. She likes reading fictional stories and sometimes watch movies and anime. She’s a BUBOTS Writing Academy Advanced Level Student.