Personal letter example

Personal Letter Example: Dear Em…

Hey Em,

How’s Australia? Don’t replace me, okay? I’m supposed to be your best friend. But anyway, you won’t believe what happened today! I almost witnessed a robbery in Aunt Liv’s store! 

So, I was walking around with Greg because he said he was bored at home when we spotted Aunt Olivia. She looked tired. There were dark circles under her eyes and she was quite pale. Aunt Liv noticed us too and invited us to her shop.

I swear it looked different from last time, but I didn’t really have a good look because she dragged us to the back room. There, she practically shoved some cookies in our mouths. It was half-burnt, but still good, I guess. 

Just then, two guys and a girl that looked like co-workers entered the shop. They were all slim and had this half-serious, half-playful glare that could make you run away or laugh. Aunt Olivia excused herself to greet them or something. By the look of how their conversation was going, they wanted. . . food? 

Anyway, I kind of got distracted from looking at the CCTV’s because Greg and I fought over the last piece of cookie. Then I saw that the three people chose a secluded corner and opened their bento boxes. They were pretty sus, not gonna lie. The convenience store would probably look empty from outside. 

Then, when I reached in my backpack to drink a bit of water, I felt my brother impatiently tapping me. He pointed at the CCTV. 

There was another man that entered the shop. His face was covered by a black cloth and only his eyes were seen. The CCTV was a bit blurry, but there was no denying that a small pistol was sticking out of his pocket.

I shrieked (still embarrassed until now), but the man didn’t seem to hear it. He was now threatening Aunt Olivia (who had her hands up) with the gun. I glanced at Greg worriedly and I saw that there was horror all over his face.

I actually can’t tell you exactly what happened next because I fainted. Totally random, right? Sorry not sorry 😀

Greg called 911, but turned out he didn’t have to. He told me that the three co-workers were actually off-duty police, who hadn’t eaten lunch yet. They arrested the robber who thought the store was empty. Unfortunate for the robber. 

Aunt Olivia is fine, don’t worry. She’s a strong woman. You know that as you’re her daughter. So please don’t text her either. There was a reason she wanted me not to tell you. You would be so worried. I repeat she is FINE. And if she finds out you know about the robbery, you won’t be hearing from me ever again. (You’ll find my body mailed to your house).


Stay safe,                                   


(if you’re not the addressee and you opened   

this letter purposely, then you wouldn’t know)


P.S. Heard from your mom you were studying some Greek alphabet. 24 letters, right?  Do you know Y?

P.P.S. Hope you’re doing fine. Oh, I got that ^^^ from the internet.


About the Author

Kerrie Lim (born November 28, 2008) is a hardworking thirteen-year-old who enjoys writing. She is currently writing a book in hopes of publishing it soon. She is the middle child in her family and spends her leisure time reading, playing Minecraft, and watching Netflix.

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