Niagara Falls. Although I’ve been there only twice in my life, it still has a positive impact on me.
The first time I went there, I wasn’t expecting much. I thought I would get bored looking at the view. Even so, I still went sightseeing with my family. When I went out sightseeing, people surrounded me everywhere. It was almost suffocating. I couldn’t see anything, not even the concrete pathway. I didn’t know if there was a nice view ahead of me, so I decided to check it out.
As I approached the edge of a concrete fence, I was shocked by the view. My expectations had been surpassed. The view of Niagara Falls was surreal, like it was shining in my face. Like I had a sparkle in my eyes.The waterfall was absolutely beautiful. The whole place was vast, and the water fell down rapidly.
Another thing that astonished me was the mist. Because the weather was warm, and there was water everywhere, it created moisture which turned into mist.
The mist made it hard to view the area, but it made it look hazy, as if I was dreaming. It made the view a lot better. It cooled down the entire place, making me feel refreshed. I felt like I was breathing fresh air for the first time again.
Through the mist, I could see a half rainbow that looked like it was passing through the waterfall itself. As I looked to the left, I could see the water flow in one direction following a huge path.
As I looked down, there were shiny rock structures probably because of the moisture settling on them. However, it was hard to see because all the water was covering my view. There were also many rocks covered in moss which were also soaked, but weren’t shiny.
A part of the experience was a tour inside a cave behind Niagara Falls itself. Surrounding the cave were many pictures and articles about the history of the falls.
The inside of the caves was so moist, everyone had to wear a poncho. By the time I was able to see the falls from behind, I was soaking.
The white noise of the falling water was very calming, it tuned out everything. Hearing this was very different from what I would usually hear from a video of calming noise. It was much louder, and it felt very real. This completely changed my perception on the sounds of nature because I have not experienced anything like this before.
There are many places in the world that I can say have a positive impact on me, but Niagara Falls sparked something inside of me. I wanted to see more things like it. This is why I believe Niagara Falls to be the most impactful place to me.
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