Jessica’s Adventure

In the year 2024, there was a girl named Jessica who loved science. Her house was near a library. The biggest one in the whole Philippines. 

One day, she decided to apply for a job in the library, where she could clean and organize the books on her own. 

One night, she saw something while she was organizing the books. It was a book that had the title of the year 3032, and beside the book was a time machine. She went inside the time machine, and BOOM! She was a little bit dizzy once she rode the time machine. Once she was not dizzy, she was excited about what 3032 looked like. 

She had to jump back because something metallic had zoomed past her. It was a garbage truck that collected garbage immediately. She noticed that the nearby city was so clean that not a single dust particle was found. There was also a mall that used a floating TV.

She read in the book that the whole world has no pollution anymore. She was so happy that there was no pollution anymore, and she wanted to buy a souvenir for her family and friends. When she went to buy souvenirs at the big, clean mall, she noticed that the elevator had no buttons. She didn’t know how to make the elevator go up to the 5th floor. People were staring at her because it was winter and she was wearing thick clothes, but they were made in 2024, which embarrassed her even more. Until one boy taught her how to make the elevator go up, saying, “Alexa, take me to the {floor that you wanted to go to}”.

She thanked the boy and bought her souvenirs at the souvenir shop. After buying her souvenirs, she was going to leave the mall. She thought that the clear glass door was automatically going to open when somebody was near it. She ran because she was so excited to bring the souvenirs home but the door did not open and hit Jessica’s head. The boy that Jessica just met in the elevator helped her and told her that she needed to go to the security guard to check if she stole anything. If not , the security guard will press the open button for the glass door, so you can go home. 

The boy asked if she was from here, but Jessica said no, and she told him that she traveled here from a time machine to 2024 to 3032. The boy was shocked and told her that she traveled for 1008 years. Jessica said goodbye to the boy, went back to the time machine, and went home. 


About the Author

Jewel Mikyle Roco


Jewel Mikyle Roco10-year-old Jewel Mikyle Roco, an incoming fifth-grade student, lives in Makati City. She loves writing short horror stories, building with blocks, and drawing. Jewel enjoys adventures and exploring nature through travel.

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