James Naismith: The Inventor of Basketball

One of the most popular sports in the world right now is basketball. The game is watched by millions or even billions of people, and thousands of fans get out to watch. It is estimated that two billion people are fans of the game. Out of this two billion, 450 million people play basketball, with about 70,000 of them doing so professionally. The NBA is the best and most-watched basketball league in the world. NBA games, on average, get 1.34 million views in the United States alone! 

Basketball has truly become an important thing in the world. But have you ever wondered who created this wonderful game and when?

James Naismith
James Naismith, The Inventor of Basketball
Img. Src: Wikimedia Commons

The inventor of basketball was James Naismith. He was born on November 6, 1861, in Ontario, Canada.  When he was younger,  he was a gifted and versatile athlete. He competed for McGill University in gymnastics, football, lacrosse, rugby, and soccer. In 1888, Naismith earned a diploma and a BA in Physical Education from the Presbyterian College in Montreal, where he had already gained numerous accolades in 1890.

In 1891, Naismith got a job as a full-time faculty member. Dr. Luther Gulick, the director of physical education, gave Naismith 14 days to design an indoor game to help athletes keep in shape in cold weather. He then examined the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular sports of the time, including baseball, football, lacrosse, soccer, and rugby. Then, a few days later, basketball was created. The first game was played in December, 1891. He wrote down the game’s fundamental 13 rules on January 15, 1892.

In 1898, Naismith was chosen to serve as the inaugural basketball coach at the University of Kansas. 

James Naismith, the man who created basketball, passed away in 1939 at the age of 78 due to a severe brain hemorrhage. He would always be remembered as the designer of this wonderful game that contributed greatly to the globe. Naismith Drive, which runs along the northern border of Naismith Drive and 19th Street is named in his honor.


About the Author

Daniel Virtudazo

Daniel (DJ), 14 years old, is a sports lover and an athlete. He plays basketball and has been part of various leagues and winning teams. When he doesn’t have basketball games, he loves to play online games like most teens do. DJ is a lover of science and history and would read books in one sitting on these subjects. From time to time, he also raises thought provoking questions that would start engaging, meaningful, and sometimes deep conversations with his mom.

He also likes to tease his younger siblings, play with their pet dog George and has a strong appetite for eating 😊

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