how I became a big sister

How I Became a Big Sister

I was an only child for almost four years. Almost every day, I had my parents’ undivided attention. Little did I know that it would change when my sister was born. Here’s the story of how I became a big sister.

When I learned I would be a big sister, I didn’t know how to feel. Should I be sad or happy? At first, happiness ruled because I thought it would be fun.

Then, my little sister, Mariella, was born. It was not what I expected. Suddenly, she got the attention of my parents. They didn’t have time to play games with me. I didn’t feel so happy anymore. I felt jealous.

As I grew up, I became more jealous. I wanted to be rough. I hugged her tight, pulled her hair slightly too hard, and became cheeky. I didn’t want to share, and I wasn’t so patient. I yelled at her when she did something wrong. I sometimes ignored her and fought with her.

That’s when I realised that she does whatever I do. So, one day, I shared something with her. It was fun. After that, she behaved better, and I no longer had to yell. We became closer.

One day, our mom called us when we were playing in our room. She sounded super happy. Then she told us the news; she was pregnant again. We were all filled with joy. Not only because we would have another sibling but also because I would be a big sister again.

Nine months went by like a breeze. Before I knew it, I had a baby brother named Marcus. I wasn’t scared or sad. This time, I knew what to expect. I just had to guide my sister so she didn’t feel the same as I did when she was born. And that’s how being the oldest child made me a better person.

My journey to become a big sister may not be the greatest. It’s difficult, especially when I can’t control the people or things I desire. They are my family, though, and always will be. Being the oldest is difficult. I constantly feel sad, angry, or ignored. Although my siblings are hard to control, I know that they are there for me no matter what. Being a big sister is a blessing. I promise to always do everything possible to be the greatest big sister I can be.


About the Author

Marianna Janae Sindanum Winfield

Marianna is a 10-year-old Grade 5 student. Aside from reading & writing, she also loves swimming, singing, dancing, and just goofing around with her younger siblings. A lover of nature and animals, she wants to be a vet when she grows up.

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