How Content Writing Changed My Life

“I failed at other freelance skills, so content writing may now be my saving grace.”

All my life, growing up as an Engineer, I was taught how to be a great employee, a well-rounded worker, someone who could solve problems well, and do whatever it takes to ensure the success of someone’s company

Over the past six years, I got the chance to work for two different organizations. They all provided me with opportunities to grow professionally and personally in different ways.

My first employer gave me more room to develop my career. But, although I was happy at that time, I chose to leave to work abroad to be the light of someone’s life ― to assist my sick dad financially, to support my family, and to prepare for our future together.

As soon as I began working abroad, I thought “life would be a bowl of cherries.” Unfortunately, I’ve encountered a lot of frustrations and challenges due to the toxic work environment. However, it gave me the chance to learn and grow as a person.

I could’ve left and moved to another, but a pandemic struck. So I had no choice but to stay. Despite this, I followed my gut and took calculated risks. I don’t want to get stuck! Thus, I sought out investments, business opportunities, and other means of generating income. Then I began to learn life skills and took the leap to become a freelancer.

Life skills are essential to learn

Amid the current pandemic, friends who depended too heavily on their jobs as their bread and butter were suddenly laid off. After years of sacrifice, they lost everything and cried over spilled milk. That’s insane!

So I asked myself, “What could I have done differently to not rely on my corporate job?” “What could I have done to prepare for the worst to happen?” “What could I have done to go the extra mile?”

Having done my research, I got information ― the best thing since sliced bread. And with today’s technology, little did I know that learning new skills online is a surefire and a game-changer. 

In today’s businesses, the situation has forced them to adapt and evolve. They are pivoting online; they are changing their business model on the fly. Consequently, online has taken over many things, which means the competition has gone multi-million-dollar.

The fact is, most business owners need help to stand out from the competition. Thus, hiring and getting freelancers has become increasingly popular and shows no signs of slowing down. So learning new skills online is the best time to do so.

Freelancing was entirely new for me

Starting as a freelancer, I had no idea what I was doing. So I relied on courses that don’t provide as much as I need. I even tried to learn different skills out of many courses. After all, I found myself lost and confused. 

It’s been six months, yet still beating my head against the wall for my freelancing business. With a full-time job lasting 12 hours a day, I was tired of juggling my ineffectual daily freelance activities. Sometimes, my laptop got me so tired that I had to sleep on it. I was exhausted, but I kept on doing things over and over again. I needed change!

Then one day, I ceased to act and started thinking back instead. Over the years, I realized I have a somewhat not-so-passionate love of writing. I am motivated to write when I’m inspired, but nothing extraordinary. Apart from that, I never thought my writing would earn me a living.

Again, I asked myself, “Will my writing be the last straw for my freelancing success?” Undoubtedly, I immediately enrolled in a no-brainer offer course for content writing developed by Liberty “Mamu” Baldovino, one of the most sought-after content writers in the Philippines. From then on, everything else was history.

Putting the pen into paper became my saving grace

I must confess something.

I’ve never written for businesses before. Even publications and journalism aren’t my cup of tea. So when I felt like writing, all I knew was that I wasn’t concerned with my grammar and sentence structure.

“My English is not my strongest suit.”

“My grammar isn’t great.”

“My vocabulary isn’t perfect.”

“My writing sucks!”

In short, I’m not a great writer. But the thing is, I’m crazy-obsessed with learning new things every day. Research is one of my favorite things to do. Trying to connect the dots from one piece of information to another and draw solid conclusions ― that’s what captivates me. 

With each passing day, I’m becoming better and better. If I had to describe my personality in three words, it would be curious, driven, and meticulous.

My success has no secrets. I have only the willpower to persevere and get things done. In fact, I probably would not have made it this far if I hadn’t take action and had no selfless guidance from my mentor.

Today, I’m able to write content for many different industries, such as:

  • Medical Supplies
  • Furniture Industry
  • Financial Industry
  • Cleaning Industry
  • SaaS Industry
  • E-commerce
  • Research or Academe, and more

On top of that, I’m confidently charging $3, $5, and soon $10-20 per 100 words for my clients’ blogs and articles. One day, I’ll be able to say with conviction, “I write content for a living ― that’s how content writing changed my life!”



As the world changes to a new normal, we must as well change what we have become accustomed to in the past. Learning new life skills is a great way to survive. However, the process of learning does not take place overnight. Ultimately, what matters is that we decide to begin, act, and stay committed.

There’s lots of myths going on with content writing. It’s not a walk in the park. Rather, it requires technical, creative, and people skills. However, you don’t have to be a damn great writer to land your first project in content writing. The most important thing is that you constantly work on improving yourself and your writing. In this way, content writing can make a positive impact on your life.

And, of course, a mentor can help you become a highly regarded content writer. My life would not be any better if not with the Ben Button Content Writing Course. Visit this page for more information.

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