A Gen Z child struggling with school

Why is Gen Z Vulnerable to Mental Health Disorders?

In every generation, there is a special quirk that helps people know what era someone was born in. Most people will only notice the person’s age group based on their childhood, except for one generation.

This generation of people born from 1997 to 2012 is called Gen Z (a.k.a. Zoomers). They can be distinguished easily because of their social awareness and authenticity. Unfortunately, Harmony Healthcare IT recorded in 2022 that 42% of Zoomers are more prone to mental health disorders, mainly anxiety and depression, than the older generations. Researchers speculate that social media, academic stress, and parent misunderstanding contribute to this. 


Social Media


Zoomers cannot live without taking a look at the internet, which can severely affect how they feel. Child Mind Institute reports that a 2017 study recorded that depressive symptoms increased among adolescents by 33% from 2010 to 2015. The same article explains that social media’s rise is the reason these individuals are isolated from their family and friends and endangered by cyberbullying and stalking. If they can limit their screen time often, then these problems would lessen.


Academic Stress


Despite the fact that schools are providing better education than before, plenty of Gen Z students struggle with the curriculum. YouthSense interviewed 13th-year students, and most of them answered that they felt pressured by the people around them and felt unmotivated to continue working hard. Because of how stressed they are, the grades of these students can result in a downward slope. Parents and school administrators should always make sure to check on how their students feel.


Parental Misunderstanding


According to Springtide Research Institute, 49% of 3,139 students said that their parents/guardians don’t take their mental health seriously. These parents become dismissive and claim they are being moody when their children only want to be heard. Because these children are surrounded by the internet and studies, they choose to be strained from parents over repairing relationships.



People born in Gen Z are not just unique for being diverse but because they are also easily vulnerable to mental health disorders. It is mainly caused by social media addiction, school work overload, and miscommunication with caregivers. 

Gen Z must prioritize self-care, even if they want to care for others. They can simply do this by taking a break from their usual activities (being on the internet or doing constant schoolwork) and reflecting on how their day felt so they can manage their problems better.


Nadine De Leon

Nadine De Leon is a young writer in training who wants to inform others about important matters, like a better lifestyle and current events so that people will learn and become more aware of what is happening. She isn’t just an informative person; she is also creative and innovative, always conceptualizing something new and improving something old.

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