
Since the beginning of school, two people have been great friends. They were like sisters. They worked together on everything. They often had sleepovers as well. Iris and Naomi were their names. 

Naomi was like a cat, sensitive and intuitive, while Iris was like a dog, energetic and outgoing.  They got along incredibly well considering their differences. Their love for shopping was another similarity. Despite the fact that their styles are different, they liked shopping together. 

Iris and Naomi were hanging out at a cafe one day after school, deciding what to do for their project together. Naomi wanted to construct a 3D model of the project, but Iris wanted to paint a mural. They had an argument over whose idea was better. After the argument, Iris couldn’t take it any longer and left the cafe, leaving Naomi behind. Naomi left too after a few minutes.

 When they both reached home, each wondered if it was really worth arguing over a project. Naomi wanted to call Iris and make it up to her but she was worried that Iris might still be angry with her. Iris also had  thought of calling Naomi, but she felt that Naomi was still upset. So they both thought of letting the day pass by. The next morning,  Naomi wanted to find a project that they both wanted to make so she went online to look for ideas. 

When Naomi found an idea that Iris might like, she texted Iris to go to the cafe again. Once Iris arrived, Naomi pleaded sorry for fighting with her and Iris also said sorry. Naomi started to explain they can make a 3D painting. Iris liked the concept, so they started gathering supplies. Once they got had what they needed for the project, they went to Iris’s house to make it. 

Once they finished, they were so proud of it.

This shows that not all friendships are perfect and that they can disagree from time to time.

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