Freelancing sample

How is freelancing better than permanent jobs? What do freelancers do? How many work hours do they spend? Does freelancing give out more freedom than regular jobs?


A freelancer is a worker who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Jobs in freelancing could be anything, from an artist to an architect. 


First of all, freelancing allows for a vast selection of jobs, so you could choose a job that you are efficient in. Having a line of work that you excel in makes it a viable choice when there aren’t that many job applications around. It’s also a win-win if you choose a job you are proficient at because you can provide your clients with a satisfactory final product with ease. 


Another advantage of freelancing is that you can choose when to work. Unlike office jobs, freelancing allows for freedom when choosing to work on a project. This is a major advantage, as when your schedule is packed, you can choose to work on your task for your client when you have free time. It also allows you to work only a few hours a day so you can focus on the things you like to do, unlike regular jobs which follow a schedule of a select amount of hours per day.


Freelancing is also better than permanent jobs because you can work anywhere. As a freelancer, you can work anywhere you want, whether it be your bedroom or the cafe. Permanent jobs often assign a work post where the employee will be assigned to work there, which restricts the choice of a more comfortable environment. With freelancing, you can go anywhere you wish to work in such as the park, and thus it allows for maximum efficiency when you are comfortable in your place of work.


Freelancing has a major advantage over regular jobs. Its overall flexibility makes it a great choice for people who have specific preferences in their work environment. It is a lot less stressful than regular jobs because there is significantly more freedom in work choices. The wide amount of options given by freelancing allows for efficient working since you can choose a line of work that you are skillful in.

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