Encouraging Independence in Children

“You have to start learning how to do things by yourselves because I won’t always be here to help you.” My mom often says this phrase to me and my younger sibling whenever we’re trying to learn a new skill. Most people have probably heard this sentence in one form or another at least a few times in their lives, but why do children have to learn how to do things themselves? 

Why should children be independent?

Allowing children to be independent benefits them for numerous reasons. Being independent helps a child build confidence and feel like a part of a group, which are needed for building social relationships, and grows their ability to care and be aware. Enabling children to be independent will help them in the future to become dedicated learners and even good team members. Being independent helps develop skills, or more specifically, improves decision-making. As children become more independent, they’ll make choices on their own, learn from their mistakes, and improve their decision-making skills.


Why do parents want their kids to be independent? 


They want their kids to be independent for numerous reasons, but one of them is for their benefit. If their children are independent, they will want to figure things out themselves instead of bothering their parents with every little thing. When children mature and become self-reliant, they will be able to do things and make choices for themselves. They won’t have to rely on their parents when choosing which clothes to wear or what food to eat. Encouraging children to be independent boosts their confidence, decision-making skills, and mental health.


How do you guide children on how to be independent? 


Guiding children to be independent includes giving them responsibilities, like chores, and allowing them to solve problems on their own. It will involve teaching lifelong skills like cooking, washing the dishes, and doing the laundry. However, children should also be offered choices, praised for displaying independence, and encouraged to learn from their mistakes.


In conclusion, children need to be independent because it is important for their development and success in the future. Being independent enables kids to make their own choices, prepares them for adulthood, and encourages independence. 



About the Author

Mikaela Leana V. Celzo

Mikaela is a 12-year-old middle school student. Currently being homeschooled, she’s exploring her interest in writing through Bubots. She also loves reading, doodling, and talking with her friends. She wants to be a preschool teacher someday.

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