It was summer, and Jess, Will, Gabby, and I were bored to death. So, we decided to go to an abandoned hospital for fun. I didn’t really want to go, but they convinced me.
“Come on, Kat, it will be REALLY fun!!” they said. “Haha yeah..”
I chuckled nervously. I agreed with them because they might become angry at me. I mean, nothing could ever go wrong, right?
After a few minutes of talking, we rode Gabby’s car and drove to the hospital. When we arrived, my friends were laughing and making jokes about me while I was trembling. I wanted to leave and go back home.
“What is wrong with me?! I shouldn’t have agreed to this.” I whispered to myself. Jess held my hand to calm me down, and we entered the hospital.
From my observation, the hospital was utterly dusty. It was full of cobwebs, and it smelled like corpses. What did I expect? It was literally an old, deserted asylum.
While my friends and I were walking through the corridors, we heard a loud noise. “SLAM!!” the entrance door shut.
We ran to the door.
“Uh oh…THE DOOR IS LOCKED!!” we screamed. Our hearts started to beat rapidly, and our eyes widened. We tried to cry for help, but no one was around besides us. So, we decided to split into 2 teams so we could escape faster.
Jess and Gabby started to look through room 32 if they could find a map of the hospital, while Will and I examined the hallways of the first floor if we could find the key to the exit or some food. While we were looking for a key or snacks in the hallways of the 3rd floor, we heard a strange noise. It was more like children giggling. We ran as fast as possible and screamed as loud as we could to find Jess and Gabby.
“Jess! Gabby! Where are you guys!?” we shouted with tears running down our faces. We were frightened so badly that we thought we couldn’t find our other friends anymore. And then, Will sprained his ankle from running.
“Help! My foot! It hurts!” he exclaimed. It seemed like the pain was horrendous! If only we could go back in time and chose not to go to this weird hospital. I let him rest first to reduce the pain, then shouted for help, hoping Jess and Gabby would come.
Thankfully, we managed to find Jess and Gabby since our tonsils were about to break into pieces. We changed our minds to stay together as 4 to be safe. We assisted Will by holding his arms so he could be able to walk with us.
We explored room 34, thinking we would find a map, a key, or food for us, but instead, we heard a woman singing a lullaby. It also happened again in room 57. Her voice was pleasant to hear but creepy at the same time. We were scared so much that our goosebumps started to rise.

“Are we hallucinating,” we said to each other while our voices were shaking.
When we entered rooms 22 and 23, it was horrific. I became completely frozen. It wasn’t the cold type of frozen. It was like where you can’t move. More like I was paralyzed with fear.
“Oh my goodness!” we screamed in sync. The room was full of blood! There must have been something tragic that happened, like cannibalism, murder, and many more.
But at the same time, we have finally found the map of the hospital and the key to the exit! So now, one more step left; it’s to go and have freedom once again.
“The sky is starting to become dark. We have to leave now.”, Jess said as she peeked through the window.
We followed the map, and soon we spotted the exit. Gabby hurriedly unlocked the door with the keys, and we managed to escape. “YES!!” we cried out of joy. The fear that was in our veins finally disappeared. We drove to a hospital, so Will could have treatment for his sprained ankle. We all had flashbacks of the traumatic experience we just had, and we wished that it wouldn’t happen for the second time.
We promised each other to never go to a haunted place ever again, or it would be our final day to live.
About the Author

MariahRose Isabella Del Rosario, also known as “Bella” to her friends and classmates, is an incoming Grade 6 pupil at the San Roque Elem School Marikina Gifted and Talented Class. She’s a Ben Button Online Tutorial Services (BUBOTS) advanced-level student.
When she’s not busy studying or writing, you’ll find her playing with her cats, watching TikTok or Netflix, drawing, dancing, or singing.
Oh, and she loves to eat fried chicken, fries, cucumber, and popcorn.