An old mysterious tree

One day on a cold winter afternoon, a group of friends were playing in the woods next to their beloved rural village. They were playing gaily, doing games such as tag, hide-and-seek, and others. However, in one of the games they were playing, they’d wandered off too far and had gotten lost in the thick forest that was close to the village. They wandered off, trying to find their way out of the forest.


As they were walking, one of the kids got separated from the group. Terrified, he ran around, desperately searching for the others. As he was looking for them, he stumbled across an extremely large tree that had lost all its leaves. As his curiosity overtook him, he walked forward, towards the tree, touching it. 


Meanwhile, the other children had found the footprints of the missing boy. Eagerly, they followed the footprints in order to find their missing comrade. As they followed the footprints which just so happened to lead them even deeper into the forest… and closer, to their eventual doom.


As they arrived at the old tree, they saw that his tracks ended there. Confused, they scouted around the tree but to no avail: he was nowhere to be found. As they were looking for him, one of the children walked over to the tree where the missing boy’s tracks ended. The child touched the tree, feeling the tree’s grooves. A minute later, the screaming began and another minute later the screaming ended and the forest returned to its silent eeriness. 


To this day, there is no sure idea of what exactly happened to the children. However, recently, a discovery was made that might just bring us closer to the end of the case of the missing children. As some adults were searching through the forest the children got lost in, they found the very same tree that the children did. Walking towards it they saw a rag that was caught on the branch of the tree. Suspicious, they examined the tree and sensed that something wasn’t quite right. They thus decided to tear open the tree and see inside of it. 


What they saw was an eerie sight…


What lay inside the tree trunk…


Was a pile of kid’s clothes.

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