A Fairy Story

A Fairy Story

Once upon a time, there was a fairy named Autumn. She was very caring and loved nature. She always wore pastel-colored clothes and bright accessories. She was a lovely and brave fairy. However, she sometimes felt shy when she was around others. And other fairies liked her for her kindness.

There was also a fairy godmother named Aurora. She was charming and beautiful. She granted the wishes of others to make them happy. She was very caring too. However, she didn’t like pastel-colored clothes much. Aurora was five years older than Autumn.

Long ago, while Autumn was walking in her backyard, she spotted some bright pink leaves trees. Naturally, she was curious about it, so she patiently waited until it was nighttime.


Then she prepared a bag with things she needed like water, some snacks, and a flashlight. Since it was going to be a long night. She wore a dark blue jacket so she could not be seen easily.

Then when it was night time she snuck out of her backyard and followed the pink trees. But she heard scary noises and ran as quickly as she could towards the pink trees. But then she tripped on a rock and bumped her head.

Then she woke up in the daytime. She was not afraid anymore because she no longer heard the scary sounds.

She continued walking and passed by a river. She rested by the wavy bright blue river and ate her snacks. As she finished eating, she cleaned up her mess and continued walking.

She followed the river’s stream. As she got closer to the pink trees, she ran in joy but accidentally tripped and fell into the river. The river was so wavy and strong that she could not get out. Then she hit one of the pointy edges of rock and ripped some of her left wings. She was screaming and crying for help as the water went in and out of her mouth. She fainted and was about to drown.

But then someone heard and saw her. It was the fairy godmother named Aurora. Aurora magically brought her out of the river and fixed her broken bright blue wing. Then Autumn woke up, and she felt a lot better. She looked around and saw the person who helped her. Autumn thanked her.

The fairy godmother’s house was surrounded by pink trees. The fairy godmother knew she wanted to see the trees. So she assisted her around. Autumn loved it and chose some leaves that she wanted to bring.

The fairy godmother asked what Autumn would want for a wish. She said that she would think about it. As she flew away, she was thinking of a wish she wanted.

A couple of days had passed. It had been a week since the last time she was with Aurora. Then she thought of something else in her mind.

So she flew back, passing the pink trees toward Aurora’s house. Aurora asked what wish she wanted. Autumn replied pleasantly, saying that she did not want a wish anymore because Aurora helped her get out of danger. Aurora was surprised. So then they became very close friends, meeting each other about every two weeks.


About the author

A Fairy Story
Denise Pauli E. Virtudazo

Denise Pauli E. Virtudazo is a 12-year-old grade 7 homeschooler. She likes watching Tiktok because it entertains her when she’s bored. She also enjoys reading books, BTS, and painting. On the other hand, she dislikes eating ampalaya, having no internet, and having messy areas at home.
She’s a sweet and caring ate to her siblings and likes family dinners and activities.


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