A Drop In The Night

“The day had come. Everything was ready. All the waiting and preparation were over. Suddenly, Boom! BOOM! BOOM! Three terrific explosions!” I yelled as my classmates listened to me, bored, like they had nothing better to do. I couldn’t blame them, we were in a school. 


Break just started, and instead of eating, I decided this was the perfect moment to trauma dump my friends. 

“I realized it was coming from the room upstairs…” I continued as I paced the cafeteria. “I walked up, careful not to wake anyone ‘cause it was like the middle of the night and I didn’t get any sleep- did I tell you guys that- nevermind-,” I took a deep breath. 

“Did you guys know that there were a couple murders in the village I was staying in, so the noise was kinda creeping me out- anyway- there I was, sneaking upstairs like I was in a Tom Cruise movie. I stopped right at the door, but then I heard it,” I paused for dramatic effect, hoping that one of my friends would speak up and ask what I heard. 


My three friends looked at each other. The one in the middle sighed like she was used to this and asked, “What did you hear?”


“Drip. Drip,” I said, then I paused. “If you guys didn’t know I was imitating the sound of something drippi-” I was interrupted by a group yell of “WE KNOW!” and groaning.


“Geez, okay,” I said, straightening up. “Anyway, the sound was coming from the kitchen,” I said. 

“It was the middle of the night, I’m in a village in a forest, it was really dark, and there were dripping noises!” I shouted, making other students stare and look at me as if I were a rogue monkey. I expected my friends to gasp or be surprised but when they didn’t, I just stood there awkwardly and then gasped instead for effect.


“I crept towards the kitchen where the sound was coming from,” I continued. “I kept hearing the noises… ‘Drip… Drip…”


“Wait,” one of my friends interrupted me. “There are murders going on in the village?” she asks, concerned.


“Yeah, so what? It was just my grandma’s house, it’s ancient;  just shut up and listen,” I shrugged. “Drip… Drip… I slowly approached the bathroom door and opened it steadily. I peeked inside the kitchen to just at least take a tiny peek at what’s making the noise. But the noise just got louder- DRIP… DRIP… I just stopped. My breath was shaky… my legs were stiff… if it was a run-or-die situation, I would most definitely die…” I looked at my friends, they looked really concerned now. Seeing them concerned made me concerned. Was this story too scary?


“What… happened?” one of them asked, her voice small.


“What? Oh,” I said, snapping out of my thoughts. “Well, uh, I looked inside and saw that the faucet was left open so I tightened it up and went to bed.” 


My friends stared at me. 


I stared back. 


They grabbed their bags and threw them at me.


The End.


About the Author

Sophia Beatrice “Zoe” Arbon is a Grade 10 student, and she has been homeschooled since 2019. She is enrolled in the pre-advanced class of Ben Button Online Tutorial Services (BUBOTS). She especially likes preparing for her icebreakers. During her spare time, she reads, draws, plays with the dogs, and watches movies and TV shows. Her dream is to become a cartoonist.

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