A Quite Sugary Tale!

Once upon a time, in a town named Mapletown, there lived a girl named Annabelle. Annabelle was quite optimistic and always wanted to try new things, such as making new stories and baking new bread.  

Annabelle’s best friend was Ryan, a really shy boy  who liked to stay in his comfort zone – his room – where he spent a lot of time sleeping.

One day, Annabelle and Ryan hopped onto the school bus to go to the museum of sweets and candy with their classmates. Once they got there, Annabelle partnered up with Ryan, and they went to go look at the origin of candy.

”Woah! Ryan, look at this!” Shouted Annabelle.

”That’s cool…” answered Ryan.

”Is something wrong, Ryan? You don’t look happy!”

”Well, it’s just that-AHHHHHHHHHH”

Ryan spun out of control into a purple coloured portal!

”Hang on, Ryan, I’ll get you out!”

Annabelle tried to reach out to Ryan, but it was too late. Ryan was sucked into the purple abyss! She knew that she had to save her friend from whatever was in there, so she jumped into the portal and shouted:

”I’m coming, Ryan, just wait and see!!”

Annabelle finally landed in a candy-filled land with a big sign saying: “Welcome to Candyland!”

She found it quite unamusing as she walked around, hoping to find Ryan. She thought about what Ryan would be doing now. was scared or not?

Meanwhile, Ryan was walking around, trying to find a way out. He came upon a sign saying: ”Totally the exit!”

Ryan thought it was real, so he walked past the sign and  into a net, which he got caught in. He was captured! He tried to find a way out by biting the net, but it was no use.

Soon, a gummy-bear-looking guard brought Ryan to the castle. The guard had candy cane horns sticking out from its head.

Then, they arrived at the castle.  It looked very innocent and cute. Ryan thought he was just being pranked by some locals there, but he wasn’t! 

He was put in a jail cell with no inmates or friends! 

Soon, he saw a figure staring at him. Ryan jumped in surprise as the figure spoke:

”I am the king, the ruler of this kingdom, the Candy Kingdom! My name is Sugarcane and I make sure everything is in good shape!”

“But.. why did you kidnap me?”

Ryan asked with a frown on his face.

“Because your friend Annabelle has brought something rather.. unruly. Now I won’t tell you what it is, but this is what you have to do. Stay HERE, got that?”

”Yup, totally under control….” Ryan answered with a tremble in his voice.

Meanwhile, Annabelle stumbled across a strange looking rock, and decided to pick it up. 

“What a strange rock! Might as well pick it up!”

Annabelle said to herself whilst picking up the rock.

Soon, a pair of tiny wings popped out of the rock!

”Woah! Who are you!?” Annabelle asked with eyes full of sparkles.

”I’m Sugo, your personal fairy and healthcare companion!” Sugo said with a pleasing grin

“Well… I don’t need some random fairy in my life..” Annabelle spoke in a rough voice.

”Well I guess you can’t become a magical hero, bye!”

”Wait a.. WHAT?”

”A hero, silly!” Sugo shouted with happiness.

”And what power do I get?”

”Any of your choice!” Sugo explained

”Wow, I never thought that a fairy out of all things could make me a hero!”

 Annabelle shouted with more excitement in her eyes.

”Yup! So, what power would you like? And what should you look like?”

Sugo questioned with pure happiness.

”Well, I would love to have telekinesis as a power. Oh! And also, maybe flying!”

”Wow! I have never seen someone ask for two powers! But it can be done! Also, what should you look like?” Sugo asked cheerfully.

”Maybe a green garden dress that can transform into a suit that will be green and light pink with a flower emblem!”

”Wow.. Such a detailed request! I like it! So let’s make this happen!”

With a shout and a flick of Sugo’s wand, Annabelle was lifted upwards to the sky, and a flurry of blue crystals swirled around her!

 As Annabelle floated gently toward the ground, she was placed in the most beautiful dress in all the land, along with blue and green oval shaped wings that were placed on her back.

”Woah! This is amazing! I love this new look, plus look at this!”

As Annabelle shouted in excitement, her dress soon transformed into a lovely green suit with blue accents added onto it.

”Yeah. It’s pretty cool, don’t you think?”

”Yes! I love it! Thank you so much, Sugo!”

Annabelle shouted, then hugged Sugo in a tight squeeze.

”Well, then what are you waiting for? Let’s save the world and your best friend!”

Meanwhile, at the castle, Ryan was feeling lonely. He thought about what Annabelle was feeling and how he should have never gone on this field trip and that all of this could have been avoided.

As soon as Ryan was about to say something to himself, he heard a huge burst coming from the door and saw Annabelle in her super suit! Ryan jumped up and shouted,

”Annabelle! Is that really you!?”

Ryan’s shouting caught Annabelle off guard. She turned her head towards Ryan, but before she could even speak, a  candy cane shaped arrow shot across the castle and landed right next to her head. That’s when Annabelle realized that Sugarcane had come into the hall.

”Hello, Annabelle, do you remember me? Jake?”

“Jake!? Do you mean the dude who loves candy and got bullied?”

“Yeah, that’s me, and you used to gossip and tell lies about me and how I was secretly a king of ugly candies. Well it wasn’t a lie. Look at me now!”

As Sugarcane said those very words, he began to shoot up to the sky, and a splash of red smoke surrounded him as he grew taller and taller. Soon, Sugarcane shot out of the castle roof with an even bigger appearance!

”We can’t stop him! He’s too tall!”

”Well, maybe we can!”

As Ryan said those final words, he broke out of the cage, and he was transformed into an ultra strong hero!

”If we can combine our powers, then maybe we can melt him!”

”Yeah! Let’s do that!”

As Annabelle and Sugo shouted in unison, a flame of orange, red, and blue shot out of the hero’s hands!

”Wait! I’m melting! NOOO!”

Sugar cane screamed in horror as he melted.

”I’ll come and get revenge one day!”

And that was Sugarcane’s final words before he melted.

Once the heroes ventured back to the starting portal, Sugo departed from Annabelle and Ryan because she had hero duties to complete.

“Bye, Sugo, we shall meet again soon!”

Annabelle shouted before going through the portal.

When Ryan and Annabelle came back to the museum, they hopped back onto the bus with hearts full of joy, hoping that they would see Sugo or the Candy Kingdom ever again.

When they got back to school, they rode back to their houses and said goodbye to each other.

When Annabelle got into her room, she spotted a picture of Ryan, herself, and Sugo to remind her of the day that they saved the Candy Kingdom.


The End!

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