Cinderella (Satirizing a Fairy Tale)

Once upon a time, in a land where social status and appearance were everything, lived Cinderella. She was someone who did all the chores while her stepmother and stepsisters, who acted like they were “all that,”  treated her like a servant.

One day, news of a royal ball spread. Every maiden was invited because the prince needed a bride, preferably one who would or maybe SHOULD look good in public. Cinderella’s stepsisters were excited and spent so many years trying to look “perfect,” but it obviously won’t be enough to be the prince’s bride. Cinderella, as usual, was left behind, dreaming of what it would be like to go to the royal ball and, of course, to see the prince.


On the night of the royal ball, after her stepsisters had finally left, Cinderella stayed home, feeling hopeless. Suddenly, a bright light filled the room, and her Fairy Godmother appeared. (woohoo.)

“Why so down, darling?” asked her Fairy Godmother.

Cinderella groaned, “I do all the work while they go out and have fun! How fair!”

The Fairy Godmother smiled. “Well, let’s change that! How about you tell me your wish? And… I’ll grant it.”

Cinderella hesitated, “You better be for real… I mean, even if I went to the royal ball, they’ll end up making fun of me anyway! And plus, those glass slippers are sooo not giving..”

The Fairy Godmother sighed, “Geez, do you want to go to the ball or not?”

Cinderella replied, “Of course I do!”

Fairy Godmother cut her off and said, “Then wear the glass slippers!”

Cinderella gave up, “Fine.”

With a wave of her wand, the Fairy Godmother transformed Chinderella’s ugly rags into a glamorous gown, making her look elegant and lady-like. She then stole a pumpkin from a garden and turned it into a fancy carriage.

Cinderella looked at herself, then at the carriage. “This is crazy. How exactly does all this make me get to see the prince??”

Fairy Godmother replied, “Because now I’ve made you look fabulous, there’s no way you’ll get to see the prince looking all raggy!”

Cinderella, now looking like someone with high status, got inside the carriage and headed to the palace, where the royal ball was held. At the ball, as soon as she went in, all eyes were on her.

The prince, who cared more about his status than his own people, approached Cinderella! (Oh no.) “You look fabulous, m’lady. Would you care for a dance?”

Cinderella, who always wanted to see the prince, said yes.

As they danced, Cinderella remembered the Fairy Godmother’s warning: at midnight, she’d lose everything. When the clock struck twelve, she ran, leaving behind the glass slipper she never liked. (womp womp.)

The prince picked it up and announced, “Whoever fits this shoe will become my bride!”

Cinderella returned home, expecting her life to go back to the same raggy old life. But the next day, her stepsisters squealed with excitement. The prince had announced that every maiden in the kingdom must try on a glass slipper.


When the prince arrived at Cinderella’s house, the stepsisters tried to squeeze into the slipper, but it really wasn’t their fit. (Womp, womp, womp…) Finally, Cinderella was called to try it on. She slipped her foot into the shoe, and it fit perfectly.


The prince proposed on the spot. But Cinderella, having had a taste of royal life, hesitated. She glanced at her Fairy Godmother, who was watching from a distance.

Cinderella smiled and said, “Your Highness, thank you, but I want a life where I can be valued for who I am, not just for how I look.”

The prince respected her decision and left with the slipper.

Cinderella, now free from her stepfamily’s harshness, travelled to find a better home.


About the Author

Alexa Jayne B. Badana, an incoming Grade 8 student who is taking the Special Program in Foreign Language class at Agusan National High School, is an intermediate-level student of the Ben Button Writing and Tutorial Services (BUBOTS). Her journey started on March 01, 2022, to improve her English reading and writing skills.

Her hobbies are playing video games, watching videos online, and Tiktok. She has also been exposed to many sports, such as gymnastics, swimming, taekwondo, and bowling. Though she doesn’t have a sport at the moment, she is willing to try out different sports that could fit her liking.


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