Does Money Really Make the World Go Round?

Does Money Really Make the World Go Round?

Does money really make the world go round? Some people say it does, while others say it doesn’t. But I believe that it really is important because it makes everything much simpler. 


First of all, money makes it easier to trade. For example, if a chicken farmer wanted to try fish for a change, he would have to trade some chicken to the fisherman for the fish. But what if the fisherman is allergic to chicken? Or what if he just doesn’t want it? With money, the chicken farmer can pay the fisherman to trade him some fish. The chicken farmer gets fish, and the fisherman gets something to trade with others. A win-win. 


Money also helps people grow. If people kept with the trading system, things would always be at a standstill. It is because the buyer and supplier will always have to come to an agreement for goods, trading an exact amount. For example, if a farmer needed 20 fish for a big party and a fisherman needed two chickens for his friend, the trade would not be fair. With money, they can fairly agree on a price for their separate goods.


Finally, money can settle debates easily. For example, if you accidentally destroy someone’s ink pen, you will need to replace it. But if you can’t trade anything the seller wants or you just don’t know where to find him, you’re in big trouble. With money, it’s much easier. You can just pay the seller, or you can just tell your friend to buy herself/himself a new pen with your money. Countries even use money to bribe an army not to attack, hence sparing lives.


In the end, money does make the world go round. It will solve trading problems, solve arguments, and help people grow financially. Just remember to use it right!  

About the Author

BUBOTS Online Writing Academy
Luis Joaquin Arbon

Luis Joaquin Arbon is an incoming 8th grade student, and he has been homeschooled since 2019. He is enrolled in Ben Button Online Tutorial Services (BUBOTS) from January 2022 to improve his writing skills.

He loves to read and especially enjoyed the Horrible Histories books and The Hobbit. He also likes to play board games (popular and DIY) with his sisters. His favorite is Clue.

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