Should the Use of Disposable Plastic be Discontinued?

Disposable plastic is a very popularly used material. It’s easy to use and has many purposes. However, it creates a lot of problems too. It is bad for our environment and creates more landfills. So should the use of disposable plastic be discontinued? There are a lot of reasons why it should stop, but there are also good reasons why it shouldn’t.



Disposable plastic is very useful and is a very common material. It is used in most things we use nowadays, such as packaging items, wrappers for food, bin bags, and so much more. Single-use plastics have become a reliable and easy material to use in the industrial world.


Single-use plastics are sanitary, such as when wrapping food or packaging toiletries. Disposable plastics are especially useful in medical uses as well, as they are easy to use and effective for keeping things clean.


Single-use plastics are budget-friendly and way more affordable than other items. For example, plastic wrap is way cheaper than beeswax wrap. Other disposable plastic items, such as plastic plates or cups, are also ideal for events, like parties, if you want a  more affordable option.


Disposable plastics are very convenient. Plastic plates and utensils are convenient because you just have to throw them away, unlike the real ones, which you have to wash. They’re also a good substitute for cups or containers made out of glass or other delicate materials because they don’t break as easily.




Disposable plastic is bad for the environment. It pollutes ecosystems. It’s harmful to wildlife, as it can trap and even choke them. It also contributes to climate change, as it’s made out of gas, oil, and other fuels that worsen global warming.


Since disposable plastic usually gets thrown away after only a couple of uses, it uses up resources easily and creates more landfills. It also takes up to 20 years for a normal plastic bag to decompose, and even up to 500 years and maybe more for other plastics.


The ocean is one of the most badly affected by plastics. Plastic bags trap marine wildlife. It decomposes very slowly, and when it does, it becomes microplastics, which animals may accidentally eat. Plastics can pollute and poison any freshwater bodies as well, which is harmful to any animals that drink the water, and plants get affected too.


In conclusion, disposable plastics are useful in everyday life, though they aren’t good for the environment at all. In my opinion, we should find a better alternative to disposable plastic. However, getting rid of single-use plastics may be less convenient. But discontinuing the use of it will definitely be better for our environment in the long run. There are already a lot of alternatives to it, such as reusable bags and beeswax wrap. If we find the right materials and spread the word, we can discontinue disposable plastics and help our environment.


About the Author

Anna Jewel Belen

Anna is a pre-advanced BUBOTS student and is 12 years old. She is homeschooled and lives in Australia. She likes drawing, digital art, horse riding, reading, and writing, and hopes to become an author and artist.

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