Why Children Shouldn’t Consume Sugar

Why Children Shouldn’t Consume Sugar

Children who consume a lot of sugary foods at a young age can have health problems that can last for years if not taken care of. Examples are tooth decay, obesity, academic performance issues, etc. Sugar is unhealthy for children because of the health problems it causes. 


First of all, students shouldn’t consume sweets because of their negative impacts on their academic performance. According to eLearning Academy, when students consume a massive amount of sugar, they will get a phenomenon or a foggy feeling known as “brain fog.” Brain fog can make it challenging for students to process information, retain knowledge, and perform academically. Stopping students from consuming sweets will benefit their studies by improving their attention span and cognitive memory. Students should stop consuming sugar so that they can perform better academically.


Additionally, children shouldn’t consume sweets because it is one of the factors contributing to obesity. Better Health Channel states that when you consume sugar, your pancreas produces insulin to move glucose out of your bloodstream. However, according to WebMD, if your body stops responding to insulin because of overeating sweets, your pancreas starts pumping out even more insulin and eventually breaks down. This leads to obesity. Children who stop eating sweets will be more physically fit and healthier.


Lastly, children shouldn’t eat sweets to maintain their teeth’s health and prevent tooth decay. According to N.I.D.C.R., when you consume sugar, it interacts with the bacteria on the plaque of your teeth. In addition, Action on Sugar claims that the bacteria will start making acids to attack the tooth’s surface. The only way to counteract tooth decay is to properly brush the teeth, three times a day, with fluoride toothpaste. Frequently take your child to the dentist for every six-month check, and if the teeth show signs of damage, go to the dentist every week or month. 


The impact of sugar on children can’t be ignored. As the evidence shows, it compromises their health and academic performance. If all children stop eating sugar, then they will be healthier and excel in school.


About the Author

Alvaro Calix T. Lee

Alvaro (Calix), 14 years old, is a badminton player and a tokusatsu fan. He plays badminton for fun, and when he cannot play, he will watch tokusatsu content online. He is good at math because he practiced it at a young age, and it became his favorite subject.

He also likes to sleep a lot and eat a lot of food. Then the cycle repeats over and over again.

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