Special Game Win

Special Game Win

On a chilly morning, the sound of wild birds chirping echoed through the air as I walked towards the soccer field. I could hear the satisfying thuds of my boots hitting the rough concrete ground and the swishes of some players scoring goals in the distance. As I walked confidently to the soccer field, my body started to build with excitement and fear from getting ready to take on the game.


As I entered the field, I tossed my bag on the soft, bright green synthetic pitch. As I looked up, I saw the confidence of the other players who were wearing bright white boots and black, white pants and clothes. They were talking and jogging around the field. I took a deep breath, then decided to go for a lap. As I started to increase my speed from jogging to running, I could hear the distinct sound of my boots smushing on the grass. I could feel my body getting warmer with each passing second. The air was fresh and crisp, and the sky was a beautiful shade of sky blue. Suddenly, I heard the coach’s whistle in the distance as I was about to go for my second lap, signaling that it was time to get ready for the game. The excitement was shivering, and I couldn’t wait to get started!


The game whistle began, and I felt a shiver of fear and excitement down my spine. As I started to run to the halfway line, I felt my blood pumping, and my body getting warmer. The initial chills disappeared, and I became solely focused on the game. Ten minutes in, I heard a vibrant swish in the other team’s goal, as I was looking the other way, immediately a crowd of my teammates came rushing toward me, cheering and screaming with joy at that beautiful goal.


At the sound of a whistle as loud as a bell, beeping three times, my teammates and I made our way to the side lines, filled with pride and covered in sweat. We took a moment to catch our breath and rest on the benches, as we sat on the cold moist metal chairs, the sweet taste of juicy oranges filled our mouths with a refreshing and cooling sensation, as we grabbed two cool, juicy oranges being handed around, As I gaze around, I can’t help but appreciate the vibrant and newly painted pitch, The lines on the field are freshly painted, and the white goals stand tall and proud. While my coach speaks, his voice gradually fades away, and I become lost in the serenity of the moment, surrounded by the beauty of the sport.


The second half started and the next 3 whistles blew I was still covered in sweat but cold from the fresh oranges, the forward players started to move up so we also started to move up slowly as well, we stopped as we saw the bright half line to stay in a perfect formation, a whistle beeps in the background and I see the ball getting ready for the corner for our team, we get ready as I fastly jog up to the opponent’s goal, another whistle blows, my teammate shoots the ball, from a 180 degree from facing to the right of the goal, the ball curves and shines as it flies over the closeup defense 4m high from the ground floor, then swish, comes the ball over my head with a cool breeze, WE SCORED!, the loud whistle blows 3 times, the game had ended, and we had won, I looked over to my coach with a big smile on his face from the win, we walked over with our aching legs and sweaty heads.


After the game had ended I walked home plopped my black and white Nike shoes on and threw my soccer boots into my grey Puma bag, I said bye to my coach with a happy wide smile, and walked out of the small and large fence, covering the pitch, as I stepped out the sweet smell of sausages filled my nose, I looked over to my left at the club’s canteen made of brick and wood, I walked over to it to grab my self a hot crisp sausage before I went home.


About the Author

Nathaniel Dinopol

Nathaniel Dinopol is from Melbourne. He’s a 13-year-old Year 8 student. His hobbies are gaming and soccer. When he grows up, he wants to start a business.

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