Echoes of Courage: A Promise to Grandma

In the heart of the Misty Mountains, where the verdant trees danced with the wind, lay a narrow trail snaking through the wilderness. Along this path, there was a solitary figure filled with determination; his name was Thomas. His destination: a remote village in a group of islands nestled within the folds of the famous Chocolate Hills, where his aging grandmother awaited his arrival.


Thomas had been planning for this expedition for weeks. He carefully planned his trip, gathered his provisions, and said goodbye to the cozy confines of home at the peaks of Misty Mountains. This journey was more for his grandmother than just a standard visit; it was a pledge to spend time with her, to hear her stories from the past, and to treasure the short time they had together.


The peaceful murmurs of nature enveloping him as Thomas descended more into the green woods provided comfort and peace. However, the whims of fate had other ideas. 


During the journey, a violent and fierce storm stumbled into Thomas. A gathering of ominous clouds, thick and heavy, obscured the once serene sky. The atmosphere becomes charged with tension, as if the air itself holds its breath in anticipation. The wind picks up, howling like a wild beast unleashed from its chains. Trees sway and bend under its force, their branches thrashing wildly against the onslaught. Rain fell, heavy and relentless, pounding against the ground like an army of tiny drummers. The rain quickly intensifies into a deluge, turning streets into rivers and fields into lakes. The storm turned the once peaceful day into a cold and dark night.


“Oh, come on! What bad luck this is! Oh well, I have to find a place to sleep first.” Thomas exclaimed with annoyance in his voice. 


Thomas looked around for a place to shelter for the night until suddenly…



A lightning bolt cracked through the sky and hit Thomas, causing him to be knocked out and fall to the ground. 


A ray of sunlight hit Thomas’s face, causing him to wake up. To his surprise, he was okay and still alive.


“UGHHH, that hurt. Wait what! I’m still alive! Wow, that was close.” Thomas exclaimed with relief in his voice.


Thomas brushed off the dirt on his clothes and continued his long walk through the forest, going up and down the mountains. 


 24 hours later, Thomas was finally at the freezing part of his journey, the Okami mountains. 


“Finally, I’m half way through the journey. UGHHHH! I always hated the cold, Oh well, time to go!” 


Thomas, determined, walked through the staggeringly snowy mountains of Okami.

Suddenly, a heavy blizzard was upon him. Strong cold winds blew Thomas’s face and the near zero visibility made it even harder for him. So he decided to set up a camp fire in the icy caves just near him.


Inside the icy caves were filled with sharp and dangerous icy stalactites and stalagmites. Thomas ventured deeper inside the caves and found a flat place where he could camp for the night. 


“Okay, time to set up a tent and a campfire.”  


Thomas grabbed his huge bag and picked up a few sticks and stones to set a fire. A couple of minutes later, he cooked some chicken for dinner, and then went to sleep in the sleeping bag. 


The next day. When Thomas woke up he ate breakfast, cleaned up camp and went to continue his journey. As he was going out, an icy streak suddenly fell near his face.




All of a sudden, a quiet growl was heard; it was getting louder, louder and louder. Thomas turned around and saw a huge and scary polar bear standing on its strong hind legs.


“Oh, ok, that’s a polar bear… Welp, I gotta go now.”


Thomas ran as fast as he could but the polar bear was still chasing after him. 


“Oh, come, bruh, how can you run this fast being that big.”


As he was nearing the exit, he had an idea. He quickly grabbed his wooden staff and smashed some weak, icy stalagmites that were almost falling.  The cave rumbled from the constant smashing of the icy spikes. As he was nearing the exit, Thomas threw the staff at the bear to slow it down. Then he saw that the stalagmites were covering the exit, so he slid while running and luckily got out safely.


“Wow, that was close.” Thomas exclaimed with relief in his voice. 


“Well, time to continue the journey, he said happily.


A couple days have passed and finally Thomas was out the icy and cold Okami mountains. Right now, he was at a nice, sunny beach. He could build a boat to reach the island where his grandmother lives. 


“Finally, I’m near, I can’t wait to tell grandma the things that have happened on my journey. Well, now it’s time to build a sturdy boat.” Thomas said with excitement in his voice. 


Five days later, the boat was finished, and he was almost ready to set sail. 


“I’m done. Whew, that was exhausting. I just need to grab some supplies and maybe catch some wild chicken and some coconuts.”


While Thomas was hunting some wild chicken, he felt like he was being watched, which sent shivers down his spine. 


After hunting a few chickens, he quickly ran back to the shore to set the sails.


However, he encountered  a hungry tiger.


“Hey little kitty, be nice now, this is for my trip, okay, ” said Thomas, shaken up by the tiger.


The tiger roared and was heading for Thomas’s hand. So Thomas grabbed his sword and slashed the tiger’s eye.


“That’s what you get, you dumb tiger, HAHA!”


This constant taunting angered the tiger even more, and so the hungry tiger went for another strike. 


“Oh boy. Well, come and get it, little kitty.” 




“Gotcha, haha,” said Thomas. 


The tiger was furious, so the tiger backed up a little bit and hid in the bushes of the forest. The tiger ran around Thomas to confuse him.


“Oh, the little kitty is getting smart now. Oh well, let’s see whatchu got then,” said Thomas confidently.


The tiger ran around Thomas in the bushes so quickly that he couldn’t tell where the tiger would strike. 


Thomas didn’t know what to do and got a little rattled.


“Okay, come yourself down and trust your instinct, ” said Thomas in his mind. 


Thomas closed his eyes and waited. Thomas focused and imagined his surroundings, trusting his instincts to know where the tiger is. 


The tiger finally struck, and it was struck from behind. Thomas opened his eyes, quickly turned around and slashed the tiger. As a result, the tiger’s head was cut off and blood splattered around the scene. Thomas smirked, proud of what he had accomplished and he said,.


“Got you now, tiger.”


Thomas went back to the beach, went on his boat, and set sail to the sea.


After a long and peaceful sail, Thomas finally stepped on the land of where his grandma lives. He followed a map that his grandma gave him when he was little. Soon, he was able to reach the Chocolate hills and find the village. As he was nearing the gates of the village, Thomas saw his grandmother waiting.


“Grandma, I’m here!” Thomas was happy and waving at her.


The grandma hugged Thomas tightly and told him how much she missed him. 


“I miss you too grandma, and I can’t wait to tell you about the crazy journey I had.” Thomas exclaimed, smiling. 


“Oh, is that so? Well,  I can’t wait. Now come on, let’s go into my house. ” said Thomas’s grandma. 


A couple of minutes later, both of them are in the living room and having a nice chat. Also, Thomas was telling his grandmother about his journey on his way here. 

The grandmother was shocked by the adventure her grandson had. So they continued to have a great time until it was dinner. 


The grandmother was going to barbecue some chicken outside, while Thomas was setting the table. 


Suddenly, Thomas heard a loud bump outside, which made him curious and he went to check on his grandmother. To his surprise, he saw his grandmother lying on the floor, dead! He saw that there was an arrow through the head.


“Grandmother!” Said Thomas. 


Thomas picked up her grandmother’s head and he was weeping. In the distance, he saw houses burning and people dying. It turned out that people wearing crosses on their helmets were attacking them. Thomas quickly knew who the invaders were, as he whispered. 




Blinded by rage, Thomas ran inside the house to grab his sword and to protect the people of the village.


The end.


To be continued… 

About the Author

Daniel (DJ), 16 years old, is a sports lover and an athlete. He plays basketball and has been part of various leagues and winning teams. When he doesn’t have basketball games, he loves to play online games like most teens do. DJ is a lover of science and history and would read books in one sitting on these subjects. From time to time, he also raises thought provoking questions that would start engaging, meaningful, and sometimes deep conversations with his mom.

He also likes to tease his younger siblings, play with their pet dog George and has a strong appetite for eating 😊

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