A Place that Had an Impact on Me

A Place that Had an Impact on Me

About a year ago, my family and I revisited Niagara Falls. It had been a long time since we had gone on one of our long road trips, so we decided to go there. At the time, I barely remembered Niagara Falls. I did have photos and videos of the place, so I remembered what it looked like, but I didn’t remember how it felt. All I knew was that that place had a positive impact on me. It was nice to know that I at least liked the place, and I knew that I was going to have fun.

There are two routes to Niagara Falls: the American side and the Canadian side. My family went to the Canadian side. 

The city that we stayed in was Ontario. It was enormous! The streets and sidewalks were filled with people, souvenir stores were everywhere, lots of tall observation towers, and there was an amusement park. The whole city seemed like a tourist attraction.

After getting past the city, we were welcomed by the breathtaking Niagara Falls. It is super vast. The drop from the top of the waterfall to the bottom was much farther than I originally thought. 

It’s easy to get lost in its scenery. Many of the people there were just enjoying the view. They were leaning against the fence with their head on their hands. 

I’d say one of the best times to visit Niagara Falls is at night, because of the colorful light show. The vivid lights contrast with the dark surroundings, highlighting Niagara’s beauty. 

Seeing pictures of Niagara Falls does not elicit the same feeling that an actual visit provides. 

When I arrived at the waterfall, I finally remembered how it felt to be there again. I remembered being astonished at the sight of Niagara and how it took all of the stress from my busy lifestyle away.

I was filled with awe and wonder about the vastness of the whole scene. Even though there was a huge city behind us, the beauty of Niagara Falls still shone through. It was almost as if the view could make all of the noise and business go away. 

Maybe it was the restlessness of Ontario that made me feel bored. Since I live in Chicago, I was used to the city part of the trip. Lots of traffic, many tourists, people always walking in a rush, and the noise. Those parts of the trip seemed normal to me; the waterfall wasn’t. I think already knowing what to expect in a city made me more drawn to the waterfall. To me, it was like comparing the artificial beauty of the city to the natural beauty of the waterfall. Both are great in their own ways, but I was more captivated by the natural beauty of Niagara Falls. Overall, I’d say the experience was pretty nostalgic, and I was right. I had lots of fun on this trip.


About the Author

Jennifer Geronimo

Jen, one of our BUBOTS‘ students, is a 15-year-old sophomore based in the US. She enjoys digital art, sketching, playing the piano and flute, singing and ballet. She also loves to experiment in the kitchen. Someday, she’d like to be a certified accountant.

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