Ben Button Content Writing Online Tutorial Services


Our Story

Liberty Baldovino started writing online in 2011 as a means to augment her family’s income.

With three children, the combined income from her teacher’s salary and her husband’s small business was no longer enough.

When she started out, she only got paid $1 for every 300 words she wrote.

She knows how difficult it is to earn pennies. She had to stay up until the wee hours of the morning; sleep for three or four hours; then upon waking up, prepare for school, where she taught Journalism and piano lessons.

Yes, she was tired, spent, but relentless because she knew this was the key to providing her family with a better quality of life.

Eventually, she was able to position herself as a premium content writer who provides quality pieces of content to her clients.

Today, she is enjoying the benefits of working from home while guiding her students to help their clients succeed through their writing skills.

Her son, Vince Laurence, shares her vision and mission.


Meet The Team

The Ben Button Content Writing Course is the collaboration of a mother-and-son team.

Liberty A. Baldovino, a content writer and strategist for over nine years, teaches a new way of writing that enables newbies to write faster and more effectively.

This course is the avenue for two of her greatest passions: writing and teaching.

She has already mentored tens of writers who are now enjoying the benefits of attending this course.


Vince Laurence A. Baldovino, on the other hand, handles the technical and operation side of this course.

He is a web and graphic designer for various local and foreign clients.

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