3 Nice Things You Can Do to People

If people can do nice things to each other, how wonderful can the world be? You can do three nice things to people: be kind, compliment someone, and smile. None of these cost any money, but each can bring happiness to the giver and the receiver.


You can perform an act of kindness anytime and anywhere. Kindness is defined as being friendly, generous, and considerate. Being kind to people is about showing compassion and consideration in our interactions. Kindness builds connections and trust, creating a positive environment where people feel valued and respected. It’s about recognizing the humanity in each person. Kindness makes the world better by spreading warmth and goodwill wherever you go. Be kind, because you never know what someone is going through.


Give a compliment

A sincere compliment goes a long way and it’s the easiest way to spread kindness.  Giving a compliment to people is a way to brighten someone’s day. It shows that you’re attentive and thoughtful towards others, and it can make them feel valued and appreciated. Compliments have the power to build bridges and also build connections, making both the giver and receiver feel good. By spreading kindness through sincere compliments, tell them from your heart.



Smiling at others is a simple yet powerful gesture that can brighten someone’s day. Smiling is a sign of joy. People who hang around are those who regularly smile, because these smiling people are seen as happier and friendlier than those who don’t smile. You can always smile at people around you, even though you don’t know each other. Smiling can make them happy, even though they are sad on the inside but still manage to smile.

Thank you for reading this essay. I hope you understand and enjoy reading.


About the Author

Errych Venice D. Catcalin

Errych Venice Catcalin lives in Cavite. She is a 12-year-old seventh-grade student. Her hobbies include singing, dancing, listening to music, and playing with her siblings. She wrote this to help other people be kind to everyone.

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