Month: July 2023

Understanding the Negative Effects of Smartphones

Smartphones have been very useful for the past few decades. They can be used for communication, information, and entertainment. However, like most technologies, smartphones have their downsides. In this essay, I will discuss the disadvantages of smartphones.       1.  Smartphones affect productivity  As mentioned earlier, smartphones provide information, but they also offer entertainment …

Understanding the Negative Effects of Smartphones Read More »

Comparing and contrasting the “Iriss, Tulips, Jonquils, and Crocuses Painting” and the Magnolia painting

  Abstract art presents life non-realistically, while realism shows life realistically. The two styles have different ways of painting anything. This essay will compare and contrast the “Iriss, Tulips, Jonquils, and Crocuses Painting” and the Magnolia painting.    Colors and composition The colors in the abstract painting resemble a rainbow, yet they are not arranged …

Comparing and contrasting the “Iriss, Tulips, Jonquils, and Crocuses Painting” and the Magnolia painting Read More »


Since the beginning of school, two people have been great friends. They were like sisters. They worked together on everything. They often had sleepovers as well. Iris and Naomi were their names.  Naomi was like a cat, sensitive and intuitive, while Iris was like a dog, energetic and outgoing.  They got along incredibly well considering …

Friendship Read More »